Petr Masherov: Biography Pages

Petr Masherov: Biography Pages
Petr Masherov: Biography Pages

The Soviet Union had an effective system of training and promotion of leading personnel. Peter Masherov is one of many managers who went through the harsh Stalinist school.

Petr Mironovich Masherov
Petr Mironovich Masherov

Curriculum Vitae

In the personal data of Peter Mironovich Masherov, it is indicated that he was born on February 26, 1918 in a peasant family. Parents did not live well. Worked hard and raised children. Of the eight children, only five survived. During that period, infant mortality, especially in rural areas, was very high. Little Petya was lucky in a way. He was not mowed down by the Spanish flu or typhoid.

Biography Masherov developed under the influence of family and friends. The elder brother Pavel graduated from a pedagogical school and worked as a teacher in the countryside. Peter studied well at school and decided to get an education at the workers' faculty in Vitebsk. The young man knew how children live in remote villages and farms. When he came to school as a certified teacher, he already had prepared methodological and didactic materials on mathematics and physics. The villagers respected the calm and sympathetic teacher.

In a partisan detachment

When the war began, Masherov was called up and sent to the front. By coincidence, the fighter was surrounded, survived several days of captivity and, by some miracle, escaped. Overcoming all sorts of difficulties and obstacles, I made my way to my native village. Oklemalsya and began to create an underground network to fight the enemy. The backbone of the partisan detachment was formed from students and fellow villagers. Much is known about the famous partisan movement in the occupied territory of Belarus.

Combat veterans and participants in armed conflicts know that war is inherently hard work, with a constant risk of death. The partisan detachment under the command of Masherov operated effectively. Suffice it to say about the sabotage, which resulted in the destruction of the railway bridge over the river Drysa. The occupiers had to divert reserves to restore the highway. At the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, they noted the merit and presented Pyotr Mironovich to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Sketch of personal life

After the war, Masherov was actively involved in Komsomol and party work. It should be recalled that all efforts were directed towards the restoration of the national economy. There was a shortage of qualified personnel. Machines and mechanisms too. And in such conditions, Petr Masherov skillfully disposed of the limited potential for solving the assigned tasks. He used creativity, administrative resources, and the enthusiasm of young people in optimal proportions. Least of all, Peter thought about a career and personal gain.

Masherov's personal life is not of interest to the yellow press. He married only once. The husband and wife raised and raised two daughters. The atmosphere of love and mutual respect reigned in the house. Petr Masherov died tragically on October 4, 1980.