How Reading Books Changes Thinking

How Reading Books Changes Thinking
How Reading Books Changes Thinking

Reading books is good for relaxation, recreation, education, and even for medical purposes! By reading, a person develops his ability to think. Reading is also best able to change a person's thinking.

Reading develops thinking
Reading develops thinking

When reading a book, a person, first of all, receives new information - it does not matter which book he is studying at the same time. New information develops memory and thinking, thanks to it a person thinks better, first about whether this information was useful, true or false, and then about higher matters - how it fits into a person's thinking, what changes in his mind. The process of reading books engages and develops the human ability to think and it is this, and not the very ability to read books and enjoy this process, that is most valuable here.

Development of fantasy and imagery

Reading books contributes to the development of the human brain at the level of fantasy and imagination. Those who rarely read books live only their own lives, but regular readers are in hundreds of realities, live many lives with the heroes of books, travel to thousands of different places. This enriches the consciousness of a person, fills it with various images that he himself could not reproduce due to the limited thinking of each individual person. Therefore, reading helps to expand the boundaries of individual knowledge, allowing you to adopt the experience and imagination of the authors.

This is also the reason for the development of human figurative thinking. After reading the description of an object, the reader reproduces it in his head, as if making an independent picture of what is happening. Such constant training of the imagination contributes to the development of thinking no worse than your own attempts to recreate an image.

Develops intelligence and language

Regular readers have better language and general intelligence than those who hardly read books. Reading lovers have better memory, they have stronger neural connections in the brain, and in old age they are less likely to face brain diseases, dementia and other diseases associated with memory loss. In addition, books can cure depression and loss of interest in life better than any doctor or antidepressant drug.

Reading a book, a person receives from it the same emotions that he would receive in reality. The brain makes almost no difference in the level of impressions received between the real and the imaginary. Therefore, reading, you seem to really live these events, filled with new experiences and impressions. Life experience gained through books is a great opportunity to avoid many life mistakes.

Increases awareness and intuition

Reading teaches consistency and consistency. Each story develops along a logical chain: first there is the outset of the story, then the development of the plot, and then the end. Readers are better at tracking causation in their lives thanks to the habit of seeing it in books. And thanks to the experience of many stories, they intuitively understand better relationships between people and predict the development of the plot in a real situation.

If you read in foreign languages, your cerebral cortex grows much more actively than other readers. This is a great practice for the brain, which is forced to use additional efforts to understand not only the meaning of the text as a whole, but also the translation of each individual sentence.