How To Make A Complaint

How To Make A Complaint
How To Make A Complaint

Almost every citizen, regardless of his place of residence, may need to file a complaint with the authorities. Most often, you have to deal with complaints that set out claims against troubled neighbors, corrupt officials, unscrupulous employers or dishonest sellers.

Whatever the reason why you have a need to write a complaint, you should always remember that you should file a complaint in accordance with clear and unambiguous rules - only in this case you can get a quick and competent answer to the question that bothers you. Only by making the complaint correctly can you achieve a solution to the problem.

  1. A complaint can be oral or written, but an oral complaint can only be considered effective if you make a complaint during a personal appointment with an official. This means that you have to spend a lot of time on pre-registration, waiting in line, etc. Therefore, it is better to draw up a complaint in writing - it is a written complaint that is considered the most convenient and effective method for resolving many misunderstandings.
  2. A written complaint can be sent both to the regional administration and to the federal authorities - but in any case, this document will reach the addressee and will be considered no earlier than seven days later. It is best to find out in advance by phone, in the competence of which authority is the solution to the problem of your concern, competently draw up a complaint in writing and send it directly to the appropriate authority.
  3. It is necessary to treat the preparation of the complaint itself as responsibly as possible - the more competently and intelligibly this document is drawn up, the faster the issue stated in it will be resolved. In the upper right corner, enter the full name of the authority that will handle your complaint, as well as the official to whom you want to send your complaint. Do not forget to indicate also the address, surname, name and patronymic of the applicant, since complaints without personal data are not accepted for consideration - they are considered anonymous. The only exception to this rule are appeals containing information about a planned or already committed illegal act.
  4. The essence of your claims should be summarized below, on the left side of the sheet. It is necessary to title the complaint based on its content. It is necessary to describe the complaint itself clearly, but with the indication of all the details that are important for the consideration of the complaint. Describe all the circumstances that accompanied the violation of your rights, and if there are witnesses, provide information about them.
  5. It is good if you have documentary evidence of your own words - copies of them must be attached to the complaint. To complete the complaint properly, all copies of documents attached to it must first be certified by a notary and indicate at the end of the complaint the entire list of accompanying documentation.
  6. Be sure to date and sign the complaint with your own signature. Regardless of where your complaint goes, make multiple copies - you have every right to file copies of your complaint with multiple organizations at once. When submitting a complaint to the relevant authority, be sure to find out which number will be assigned to this document and write it down. This way you can track the progress of your complaint in the future. In most cases, the period for consideration of a complaint in municipal or federal authorities is no more than thirty days from the date of receipt.
  7. If your complaint was denied or a decision was made that did not satisfy you, you have the right to contact higher authorities by sending a similar complaint with the attachment of the answer you already received. If you do not know which of the higher authorities you should contact, you can file a complaint with the prosecutor's office.