How Americans See Russians

How Americans See Russians
How Americans See Russians

Each person, without exception, has always been interested in what others think of him. And if this interest is compared not with one specific person, but with a whole nation, then a rather topical question comes to the surface. Are you curious to know what Americans think of Russians? There are many myths about the great Russian people, more like a fantastic fairy tale, and, as a rule, there is some truth in every fairy tale. If we consider that Americans think about Russians exactly as much as we do about them, then we can describe here the most characteristic and interesting ideas of Americans about Russian people.

How Americans see Russians
How Americans see Russians

Many people in the United States firmly believe that it is always cold in Russia, and even compare our country to a giant refrigerator. Most Americans have one association with the country of Russia - Siberia. It's nice that the United States considers Russia to be an economically, politically and militarily strong country. There is also an opinion that all Russians, without exception, are very hardworking and active people, and idlers among them are very rare. Well, how can one fail to recall that many Americans just consider vodka a national treasure and the only alcoholic drink that is in demand in our country. As it turned out, the Americans themselves are superbly oriented in all the variety of Russian alcoholic beverage and often drink it. It follows from the above point that, according to Americans, most Russians are alcoholics with experience and endurance. And again about the pleasant. In America, they are sure that our boys and girls are some of the most beautiful and attractive in the world. Everyone, without exception, knows our Putin, even in America. However, not everyone knows D. A. Medvedev. Our writers are loved, read and known in America. Russia is associated in America with Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Kremlin. However, only these cities are famous Russian cities for Americans. No one would even think of knowing how much one dollar is worth. It turned out that the majority are sure that Russians still always and everywhere eat everything with black and red caviar. There are people in America who believe in bears walking around Red Square. How do Americans represent Russians? Our men are considered very strong physically. The lucky people who have visited Moscow and St. Petersburg are impressed by what they have seen and speak very well of what they have known. In America, the Russian mafia is considered one of the most influential in the world. It is believed that Russians are always sad. There are those who attribute Russia to Asia. Everyone knows what borsch is. However, this is where their information about traditional Russian cuisine is exhausted. Everyone has an idea of what a real Russian church looks like. Our nesting doll is considered an undoubted attribute of Russia and everyone who comes to us will definitely buy such a souvenir. Most Americans believe that all people in Russia are very wealthy.
