Vladimir Sterzhakov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Vladimir Sterzhakov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Vladimir Sterzhakov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Modern Russian films and television series have long been filmed based on Russian scripts. The theater and film actor Vladimir Sterzhakov has already performed more than two hundred roles. And this is not the limit.

Vladimir Sterzhakov
Vladimir Sterzhakov

Childhood and youth

A person receives all positive and negative skills in childhood. Vladimir Alexandrovich Sterzhakov began attending theatrical performances in preschool age. As a high school student, he saw an advertisement in the newspaper about the recruitment of a youth group for the drama studio of the local theater. Vladimir was interested in the invitation, and he came for an interview. He was accepted without further ado. During the day, the young man went to school, and in the evenings he disappeared at the theater for rehearsals. This plot is present in the biography and is necessarily mentioned in numerous interviews that Sterzhakov gives to journalists.

The future actor was born on June 6, 1959 in an ordinary Soviet family. Parents at that time lived in the city of Tallinn. The boy turned out to be the third child - two older sisters were already growing up in the house. My father worked as a carpenter in the repair and construction department. The mother took care of the children in the kindergarten. She had perfect hearing and a strong voice. Volodya always listened with pleasure to folk and pop songs performed by her. At school, he studied mediocre, but was not considered a bully. After the tenth grade, he went to Moscow to get an acting education.


Creative activity

In 1981, Sterzhakov completed a course at the famous Moscow Art Theater School. The certified actor entered the service of distribution to the troupe of the Art Theater, which was directed by the cult director Oleg Efremov. After a while, the actor was drafted into the ranks of the armed forces. Vladimir Aleksandrovich did not use the available opportunities to "roll away" from military service. He has served his time in a guards sapper unit with dignity. After returning to civilian life, he took his rightful "position" in the theater.

Sterzhakov's acting career was quite successful. On the stage, he played in classical and avant-garde productions. Including in the performances "Woe from Wit", "Duck Hunt", "Mishka's Wedding". Vladimir performed his debut role on the screen in the film "Plumbum, or a Dangerous Game". In the early 90s, Russian cinema fell into a protracted crisis. The actor had to do non-core work in order to somehow feed his family. With the onset of a new century, the era of serials began. And Sterzhakov's talent was in demand.


Recognition and privacy

The work of Vladimir Sterzhakov was appreciated not only by critics and spectators, but also by officials. For his great contribution to the development of Russian cinema and television, the actor was awarded the honorary title "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation".

The personal life of Vladimir Alexandrovich has developed well. He is legally married. A husband and wife are raising and raising two sons.
