How To Improve The Ecological Situation

How To Improve The Ecological Situation
How To Improve The Ecological Situation

Table of contents:


Talking alone is not enough to improve the environmental situation. For tangible global positive changes, it is necessary to awaken the consciousness of every reasonable person and promote the adoption of concrete measures to solve this problem.

How to improve the ecological situation
How to improve the ecological situation


Step 1

Realize the fact that the ecological situation in your home, in your office, in your city, on your planet depends on your daily behavior and lifestyle. All actions should be aimed at protecting and reviving a favorable environment, otherwise after a while there will simply be nowhere to live.

Step 2

Every day, think about the fact that neither purifiers, nor air ionizers, nor water filters, etc. will not help preserve living and natural habitat. You can do this with less waste by planting a tree, without using polluting vehicles. One can only rejoice in the existence of vegetarians. Indeed, huge areas of virgin forests are cut down for cattle pastures, which are the "lungs" of the planet and maintain the purity and composition of the air, thereby helping the Earth to cope with changes.

Step 3

As you know, demand creates supply and vice versa. Do not use dubious materials in your everyday life. This also applies to furniture, and household chemicals, and clothing, and food, and medicines. Try to use natural remedies. Let in smaller quantities, but more reliable and certainly more useful.

Step 4

Realize that vehicle exhaust gases, which pollute the air in large cities by 90%, are the strongest toxic substances that lead a person to a state of immunodeficiency, heart disease, lung cancer and other disorders. Lead in exhaust affects brain activity, and nitrogen oxides are more dangerous than carbon monoxide exposure. Try to avoid heavy traffic congestion. Don't use it unnecessarily. If possible, change your place of work so as not to be on transport for more than an hour or two a day.

Step 5

Remember that there are no acceptable levels of harmful substances, because they are harmful. In nature, toxic formations also take place, but natural processes easily neutralize these poisons. And man, instead of living in rhythm with natural processes and helping the planet in this difficult time, devastates its bowels, poisons water, air and chops down trees. The time has come to quickly seek and apply technologies that will neutralize "reasonable human activity" and restore the disturbed natural balance.
