Over time, our planet "shrinks" in size. Today there is no such corner on Earth where curious people have not visited. Vladimir Lysenko is not only a serious scientist, but also a keen traveler.

Preparatory stage
In one famous parable of King Solomon it is said that a person has the right to life and the pursuit of happiness. The specific way to achieve this goal, you have to choose yourself. Think over the route. Prepare physically and mentally. Today Vladimir Ivanovich Lysenko positions himself as a happy person. All external attributes confirming this state are present. Films are made about him, newspaper articles are written and legends are formed. It is sometimes difficult to believe that all the facts collected are really specific to this person.
The future traveler and scientist was born on January 1, 1955 in an ordinary Soviet family. Parents lived in the city of Kharkov. My father served as a pilot in civil aviation. Mother worked as a design engineer at a famous tractor plant. Vladimir grew up and developed in a healthy, creative environment. He learned to read early and loved books for the rest of his life. When the time came to go to school, he had already read all the works on the curriculum until the fifth grade. Most of all he liked books about travel and geographical discoveries.

From an early age he was accustomed to a healthy lifestyle. During his school years, like many boys, Vladimir was fond of sambo wrestling and rowing. Participated in bicycle races. He played chess well. In high school I got carried away with water trips in kayaks. And this hobby was preserved by Lysenko forever. The future traveler studied only excellently. All subjects were his favorites. The result was logical - Vladimir graduated from school with a gold medal. He decided to get higher education at the local aviation institute.
Student years passed quickly. Lysenko studied easily. I spent my summer holidays on the next water route. In the first pairs, Vladimir was attracted by small rivers, which were lost in the green thickets. Once he got into a group of canoeists who were rafting down mountain rivers and went to Gorny Altai. Having experienced a unique sensation at the moment of overcoming the thresholds, he began to hatch more grandiose plans. After graduating from the institute with honors, Lysenko entered graduate school at the Siberian branch of the Academy of Sciences and moved to a permanent place of residence in Novosibirsk.

Travel and expeditions
Lysenko's scientific career developed quite successfully. He spent his free time no less interesting. By the beginning of the 90s, Vladimir, as they say, passed along all the major rivers of the Soviet Union. He made acquaintances in the circle of the same enthusiasts. By this time, the traveler had been hatching a plan for rafting down the mountain river, which originates on the slopes of the iconic Everest peak, for many years. After all the preparatory steps were completed, Vladimir prepared a catamaran with his own hands and left for Nepal. The rafting took place normally.
A few years later, at the next stage, Lysenko rafted down a mountain river from a height of five thousand meters. For this achievement he was awarded the title of the most desperate traveler in Russia. According to independent experts, the Russian traveler rafted along mountain arteries flowing in 57 countries. It is interesting to note that Vladimir Ivanovich spent almost five years in total traveling around the world by car. On this tour, he had to travel through the territory of 62 states.

Literary creativity
Friends and colleagues never cease to be amazed at the energy that Lysenko accumulates in himself. After lengthy trials and experiments at his home institute, he takes a vacation and goes to explore the deepest mine in the world. This mine is located in South Africa. Preparation for such an expedition takes almost a year. But such obstacles do not threaten the life or health of the traveler. The most dangerous stage is not even a descent to a depth of more than three kilometers, but an ascent to the surface. A person without special training is even scared to read about such a procedure.
Vladimir Ivanovich initially made it a rule to write detailed reports on each trip. No, these are not dry scientific treatises. Travel notes read like adventure novels. The description of the storm in the Indian Ocean is deeply impressive. But meeting a crocodile in the Amazon jungle makes the reader flinch. From the pen of a professional traveler came not only reports on the routes traveled, but also descriptions of natural phenomena on different continents and latitudes.

Essays on personal life
Both scientific and literary work of Vladimir Lysenko is of interest to a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. He is regularly invited to various conferences and symposia, where he gives reports. In this context, it should be noted that Lysenko holds the title of Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. He never refuses to meet with readers at the presentations of his books.
In his personal life, Vladimir Ivanovich is in complete order. He has been legally married for many years. The husband and wife raised and raised two children, a son and a daughter. Today they are already independent people. The son lives in Krasnodar. The daughter went to live in Europe.