What Is A Centralized State

What Is A Centralized State
What Is A Centralized State

A centralized state is such a state, all functions of which are located in one place - in the center. The central authorities are subject to the lands within this state. A typical example of centralization is the Russian state during the reign of the Kiev princes.

What is a centralized state
What is a centralized state

Multinationality and strong center

Any centralized state has the main distinguishing feature - a strong central authority. Otherwise, it would be impossible to govern all the territories within the country. Lands in such a state are united by legislation and economically a single space.

For a centralized state, the typical type of power is monarchy. At the stage of centralization, that is, the gathering of land around the center, it has an absolute character. A centralized state, as a large unit, has smaller parts, namely, districts, regions, districts, etc. However, they are not independent.

It should be said that prerequisites are necessary for the emergence of any centralized state. In particular, national unity is a powerful unifying factor. It is a mistake to think that in the state the interests of only one dominant nationality are observed. According to the law, none of the nations inhabiting the country should be infringed upon in the interests and rights.

Signs of a centralized state

There are a number of signs by which one can determine that the state is centralized.

Firstly, these are uniform government bodies created in the state. The task of the center is to provide all citizens of the country with public services in a single mode.

Secondly, a characteristic feature of a centralized state is the possibility of migration of its inhabitants across the territory of the country.

Thirdly, the processes of centralization in such a state go parallel with the economic development of the country.

Fourth, in a state with a single center, equality of all its inhabitants is preserved, even if it is multimillion.

Fifth, in a centralized state there is no autonomy for local authorities. Thus, the central government imposes an authoritarian regime of government, sending its henchmen to the localities. Regions cannot make and pass laws within their territory.

In turn, the central government in such a state assumes all sorts of obligations to provide residents with the necessary benefits, acts as a guarantor of their freedom and independence, and takes obligations to combat crime.

It is worth saying that in the modern world such states practically do not exist in their pure form, since all the principles of centralization are not observed. It can exist only under the conditions of a military-political regime. In another way, a centralized state is called a unitary state. Examples of such states are France, Uzbekistan, and Asian countries.
