It is not difficult to find out who will be the next president of Russia. You just need to figure out who exactly cannot be in the current political situation. The first on this list will be those who previously declared themselves candidates for this post - representatives of the systemic opposition represented in the State Duma.

Step 1
There is such a fun game - "Guess". It can be played in many different ways. You can do this: one person leaves the room, and the rest come up with a word, object, animal - whatever - which the one who left, having returned, must guess by asking a series of leading questions. They answer him briefly: yes or no. You can also play it differently: one person thinks the word, and everyone else asks questions. About who will be the next president, you can find out about the same.
Step 2
It can be even simpler: ask a question to various fortune-tellers, psychics and political scientists. The one most often pointed to by their finger will definitely not be the president.
Step 3
Who will be the next president of Russia is easy to answer - who will be appointed by the current president. Given the current political system, in the next elections of 2018, most likely it will be Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, who will appoint himself and this, in his words, however, as always, "you will like it."
Step 4
Of course, this answer is not interesting because it is too predictable. There is no intrigue in him, and the society, which has been taught for almost twenty years that it has freedom of choice and that life in the country is built on a democratic, and not on an authoritarian principle, still wants intrigue for some reason.
Step 5
That is why, from time to time, other opinions and other candidates for the presidency appear in the information space. The first of these candidates was named back in 2012 by the Moscow political scientist Piontkovsky. In his opinion, this could be the current Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu
Step 6
Some experts predict a different candidate. So, one of the experts of the Yekaterinburg Internet edition in the summer of 2013 suggested that it could be the current mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin.
Step 7
Attentive viewers of TV channels and information sites have been making their own assumptions lately. Some of them agree that most likely the next president will be a young man who is not yet known to anyone, who, like Vladimir Putin himself at one time, supports B. N. Yeltsin, carries his briefcase behind him.
Step 8
Psychics, fortune-tellers and astrologers also try to give their "correct" predictions. So, for example, recently gathered well-known Carpathian sorcerers - Molfars - themselves were surprised by what they saw. It turned out that Putin will not be re-elected in 2018, since he will leave office in two years. Before that, the Constitution of Russia will be changed in order to limit the presidential powers. The elections will be held ahead of schedule, but predictably - on the recommendation of Putin, they will elect and appoint to the post of president a man who will be tall, but, most surprisingly, not connected with the FSB-KGB.
Step 9
The current liberal opposition will not play any role in the election of the next president, since by that time most of it will leave Russia due to repression, and the rest will be either under arrest, or under investigation, or already in prison. Therefore, neither Alexei Navalny nor Mikhail Khodorkovsky will be able to apply for election.
Step 10
Who will be the next president? The intrigue of the presidency is undeniable not only in Russia. In Russia, there is still a certain stability, since the president is not so much elected as he is appointed according to certain not criteria, but obligatory conditions. The main one is unconditional loyalty to the previous president. In the United States, for example, it is never known at all who will win the elections. Barack Obama is sincerely convinced that a woman may well win in the next elections, and then the era of the first woman president will come in America. Russia will not face such a development in the next twenty years.