Who Will Be The Next Wife Of Tom Cruise

Who Will Be The Next Wife Of Tom Cruise
Who Will Be The Next Wife Of Tom Cruise

For the 50th birthday of Tom Cruise, his wife Katie Holmes gave him an unpleasant surprise: she announced that she was filing for divorce. Stunned by this news Cruise, his Scientology friends decided to reassure him with the message that they had already found him a new wife.

Who will be the next wife of Tom Cruise
Who will be the next wife of Tom Cruise

The leadership of the Scientology organization decided to intervene once again in the personal life of one of its followers, Tom Cruise, and choose a bride for him. According to them, the actress Yolanda Pecoraro, who is also an adherent of Scientology and has been attending religious studies since the age of 13, must become Cruise's new wife. This decision is due to the fact that Tom Cruise has repeatedly had problems with his ex-wives because of his passion for Scientology, and Katie Holmes left him partly because he tried to impose his views on her and make their daughter Suri a parishioner.

Pecoraro was not chosen by chance among the many admirers of Scientology. Tom Cruise and Yolanda met back in 2004, moreover, many noted that the famous actor was seriously carried away by the girl and even tried to look after her. It was he who paid for Yolanda's Hollywood exclusive Scientology courses. Later, the relationship between Cruz and Pecoraro became friendly, but now the young woman was officially declared the future wife of the actor. She herself did not give clear comments on this matter, however, most likely, Yolanda will not oppose the wishes of the Scientology leaders. In addition, it is known that despite rumors of Pecoraro's connection with some famous actors, the woman is still not married or engaged.

An additional reason why a girl from the Church is imposed on Cruz is the fact that after divorces his children remained with their mothers and were not included in the list of adepts. After Katie Holmes secured sole custody of Suri's daughter, Church leaders ordered Cruz to have a child who would become a follower of their trend. A young parishioner should become the mother of the baby, and according to Church members, 27-year-old Yolanda is the best fit for her role. Moreover, the wedding should take place immediately after the divorce, so that the fans are convinced that Cruz did not have any feelings for Katie Holmes and very quickly found a new beautiful bride.