Where Is The Gold Reserve Of Russia Stored?

Where Is The Gold Reserve Of Russia Stored?
Where Is The Gold Reserve Of Russia Stored?

Gold is one of the hardest currencies in the world. It is in this precious metal that it is customary to calculate the amount of money that the state has. After all, gold almost never falls in price and is always in demand. One of the questions Russians are asking is where the country's gold reserves are stored and what is its volume.

Where is the gold reserve of Russia stored?
Where is the gold reserve of Russia stored?

Keeping money in the form of gold is both beneficial and practical. This is due to the fact that they do not take up much space and are well distinguishable. So, for example, knowing the weight of one ingot and its cost, you can quickly recalculate stocks without resorting to tedious sorting of papers.

Another plus of keeping stocks in the form of gold bars is that nothing will happen to this metal. For example, the paper may deteriorate, deteriorate, burn, etc. Gold is not subject to corrosion.

Where is the gold reserve of Russia

Russia's gold reserves are kept in the Central Bank of Russia. It contains about 2/3 of the total amount of savings.

The country's gold reserves are located in the premises with an area of 17,000 sq.m., of which 1,500 sq.m directly storage area.

Gold reserves are regularly inspected, their size is specified with an accuracy of the gram. So, for example, in February 2013 there were 970, 32 tons of gold in the vault, and in June there were already 1013, 8 tons. At the same time, this is only 10% of the total gold and foreign exchange reserves of the country.

The country's gold reserves are stored not in whole blocks, but in neat gold bars. On average, each of them is a volumetric trapezoid weighing 10-14 kg.

How the gold reserves of Russia are guarded

Naturally, the Goskhran is the most secure facility in the country. Here, according to its directors, only the most modern and powerful security systems are used.

In addition, additional protection is provided by the fact that employees of the State Security Agency are responsible for the integrity and safety of the gold reserve, so if something is lost, they will have to restore what was lost themselves.

In addition to returning debts in the event of a shortage in storage, employees face criminal penalties.

Gold today is the single currency of all states. It also provides a general benchmark for both central banks and the market. Moreover, an amazing paradox is associated with it: during crises, when everything is getting cheaper, gold, on the contrary, rises in price.

The situation in the world with gold

If we compare Russia with other world powers, Russia is in 8th place in terms of the amount of accumulated gold in storehouses. Leadership is confidently held by the United States, in the warehouses of which about 8,200 tons of gold bars have been accumulated. In second place is Germany with an accumulated 3000 tons, and in third place is the International Monetary Fund with 2800 tons of gold.

Gold reserves are often called real investments in goods. This means that they are not subject to inflation and do not lose their investment attractiveness. However, there is also a minus: gold bars, lying in the vaults of the vault, unlike banknotes, cannot bring any interest income.
