Ilya (Elijah, Ilyas, Eliyahu) is a biblical prophet who lived in the kingdom of Israel nine centuries before our era. The Russian Orthodox Church honors his memory on August 2, and this day never goes unnoticed by the media. The reason is that the paratroopers celebrate the same date as their professional holiday - Ilya the Prophet is considered their heavenly patron.

Ilya was born in the town of Thesvia Gilead, and left his memory mainly as an implacable fighter against idolatry and the wickedness of the powerful of the world of his time. The life of Eliyahu (translated as “My God is Lord”) is described in two Books of the Kings of the Old Testament. According to the scripture, for his unparalleled righteousness, the Almighty endowed Elijah with the unlimited gift of performing miracles, which he used to predict future events, resurrect the dead, support the orphans and help the poor.
When Jezebel, the wife of the then weak-tempered king of Judah Ahab, began to instill the veneration of the pagan gods Baal and Astarte, the prophet used his gift to defeat the priests. He came to the palace and challenged the clergy to a duel, during which, at his request, drought or rain fell. Elijah defeated and personally took the life of the priests, for which he incurred the endless wrath of the king and his wife, who, however, could not find him - the miracle worker moved to Mount Sinai. Later he returned to the kingdom of Judah, finally pacified the king, and then continued to denounce the wicked deeds and his successor.
The earthly journey of the prophet Elijah ended also remarkably - he was taken to heaven alive. However, there is a mention in the scriptures that the prophet will return before the new coming of the Lord to prepare people for it. The New Testament also tells that the already ascended Elijah, together with Moses, who had not yet experienced death, appeared to Jesus during the Transfiguration of the Lord.
In Russia, this prophet is considered their patron by the airborne troops, and in 2002 the Temple of Elijah the Prophet was founded at the Ryazan Airborne Force School. On August 2, liturgies are served in the churches of units of this branch of the army, and this year, on the day of the memory of the prophet, the paratroopers marched in a procession with the cross on Red Square and served a prayer service.