Platz Tom: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Platz Tom: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Platz Tom: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Over the past fifty years, iron sports have become popular on all continents. Every reasonable person wants to look attractive. Tom Platz started bodybuilding, imitating his idols.

Tom Platz
Tom Platz

Starting conditions

According to knowledgeable experts, a little more than a hundred years have passed since the emergence of bodybuilding as a sport. For a long time, only men boasted about the relief of the muscles. Then this hobby was picked up by women. Whether it is necessary to pump up muscles for women, there is no unequivocal opinion. Discussions on this topic will continue for a long time. When Tom Platz decided to go in for bodybuilding, the female part of the population belonged to the audience category. The boy really wanted to be like those athletes whose photographs were placed on the pages of glossy magazines.

The future bodybuilder was born on June 26, 1955 in an ordinary American family. Parents at that time lived in a small town in Oklahoma. My father worked in a car workshop. Mother was engaged in housekeeping. The child grew and developed like all peers, without showing any special natural abilities. Tom received his secondary education at a local school. The first acquaintance with bodybuilding happened at the age of six. The boy was sent to the pharmacy for medicines, where for the first time he saw vivid photographs of muscular men holding beautiful girls in their arms.


Workouts and results

When the boy was ten years old, he persistently asked his father to buy him an exercise machine. The garage turned out to be a suitable place for training. Tom and his father were engaged strictly according to the methodology that was attached to the simulator. After a short period of time, the first results appeared. However, further development required special conditions. After completing his secondary education at school, Platz moved to California. Here a harmonious system of training "muscular beauties" has already developed, and Tom organically "joined in the process."

Platz gained experience and trained in the same gym with the famous actor Arnold Schwarzenegger. "Building" a beautiful body is not only about regular training. It is necessary to adhere to a certain dietary system and daily routine. This kind of creativity is not suitable for everyone. Tom enjoyed his studies. His sports career was going well for him. He regularly participated in competitions and championships, which were held with different mottos. In 1978, Platz became the world amateur middleweight champion.


Essays on personal life

In 1987, Tom Platz retired from the big sport, but remained faithful to his hobby. He organized his own fitness center, where he works as a trainer. Tom acts in films. Prefers the role of police officers or gangsters.

The personal life of an athlete and an actor did not work out the first time. He is currently married to a Hawaiian native named Cha. Husband and wife do not do business together. The wife fully relies on Tom's capabilities and trusts him in everything.
