Where To Report Meter Readings

Where To Report Meter Readings
Where To Report Meter Readings

Anyone who uses electricity, gas, hot and cold water has an idea of metering devices - meters for the consumption of these resources. The indicators of these devices provide a basis for subsequent payment by the consumer for these services.

Where to report meter readings
Where to report meter readings

The indicators of the electricity consumption meter are reported to the local branch of Energosbyt. When installing this meter, the owner of the premises with representatives of the above organization concludes an agreement for the provision of certain services, which sets out the terms of payment for the consumed electricity. According to the rules for settlements with Energosbyt, the consumer must independently fill out a receipt, entering into it the current meter readings, indicators of the past month and then calculate the total number of kilowatt / hours and their total cost. You can pay for the receipt in any convenient way: through a bank, by mail, via the Internet or a payment terminal. Almost the same can be said about other meters that control the consumption of energy resources. Only the organizations to which your payment will be transferred have a different name. So, for example, to pay for the consumed gas, you need to provide the data of the corresponding meter to the local branch of "Gorgaz". After the conclusion of the service contract and the sealing of the installed meter by the employees of this organization, you will receive monthly receipts into which you will enter the readings of the meter. You can pay for them in the same place as receipts for electricity. Payment for water on the meter is carried out to the local branch of "Vodokanal", the principle of providing data is described above. Receipts, of course, differ from each other by the name of the service provider, payment details and filling form. But the principle of calculating the amount of your payment for the consumed resources is the same: the current readings of the corresponding meter are taken, the previous readings are subtracted from them, and the resulting difference (the number of consumed resources per month) is multiplied by the cost of one kilowatt per hour (electricity) or cubic meter of water or gas.
