To help the victim, sometimes you have to call an ambulance. In order for the doctors to arrive at the patient faster and be able to provide the necessary assistance, it is necessary to inform the dispatcher with all the necessary information.

Step 1
Before calling an ambulance, make sure you know exactly where the victim is. Find out the street name and house number (if the person is not in the apartment) - this will save valuable time, because you can immediately explain to the dispatcher how to get to the patient.
Step 2
Call the ambulance service. The single phone number for the whole of Russia is 03. If you are calling from a mobile phone, dial 003 (for the Beeline mobile operator) or 030 (for MTS and Megafon operators). You can also call 112 - this is a multi-line telephone by which you will be connected to the doctors. Please note: this number works even if there are not enough funds on the phone, if there is no SIM card or if the SIM card is blocked. If you need to immediately call doctors and the police, call the police (do not forget to report the victim's complaints) - they will call an ambulance.
Step 3
It will be better if you think over the answers to the dispatcher's questions in advance. They are simple (you will be sure to find out about the patient's age, his complaints, the address of the call and ask for a phone number to contact you if necessary), but an unprepared person can get confused. Answer clearly to the question posed, do not indulge in reasoning and do not make assumptions if you do not have a medical education. If a person cannot step on his foot - you need to answer that way, and not "probably he has a fracture, he does not step on his foot." The more accurately and quickly the information is submitted, the sooner assistance will be provided to the victim.
Step 4
If you are in a remote area (on the outskirts of a sleeping area or deep in a park), try to meet an ambulance. The driver, of course, will do his job, but doctors will get to the patient much faster if they know exactly where to go.