Natalya Batova: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Natalya Batova: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Natalya Batova: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Natalia Batova is an international master of sports in bodybuilding. She achieved all her achievements without anyone's help, starting to engage in bodybuilding on her own, after a year and a half she reached the competitive level.

Natalya Batova: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Natalya Batova: biography, creativity, career, personal life

For a long time, bodybuilding was perceived only as a male sport. Natalya Batova managed to prove by her own example that a woman who is successful in this direction can be not only masculine, but also beautiful, successful in the multimedia space as well. How did she manage to turn from an ordinary Siberian girl into a socialite, different from the "lionesses", but successful and in demand?

Who is Natalia Batova - biography

The future star of Russian female bodybuilding was born in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in the city of Norilsk, at the end of April 1976. Neither in childhood nor in her youth did Natasha think about sports, she was not fond of any of its types. After school (Krasnoyarsk school No. 11), the girl entered the KGAU (Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University), at the Faculty of Bakery and Confectionery Technology, successfully graduated from the university in 1998.


Two years before receiving her diploma, Natalia accidentally, in the company of friends, came to the gym, where bodybuilding training took place. Amateurs trained there, without professional support. Natasha was so carried away that she began to come to the gym every day, found literature on bodybuilding. The lack of professional support and sports education did not stop the girl and did not embarrass her, she was sure that she would achieve success on her own, which happened after a year and a half.

Now the athlete is known not only in Russia, but also abroad, she realizes herself in the multimedia space, she has a little daughter. But the personal life of a bodybuilder does not add up.

Sports career

Natalya Batova developed her starting program in bodybuilding herself, based on literature, watched television programs and other information that she could find. After a year and a half of training, the girl took second place at the regional level among bodybuilders and bodybuilders.

After the regional championship, Batova found a professional coach, her training became more intense and productive, which allowed her to reach a new level. In 2000, Natalya became the absolute champion of Siberia in bodybuilding.


For the next few years, Natalya Batova literally stormed Russian tournaments at various levels. Success was variable, but she never dropped out of the top three. In 2005 she managed to go to the European Championship, where she took a significant second place. But among Russian bodybuilders, her victory caused a storm of indignation - Batova represented Austria at the championship, and colleagues considered this step almost a betrayal.

Condemnation did not dampen Natalia's professional ardor, she continued to take part in various sports competitions, for several years she was the absolute champion of Eastern Europe. In addition, she is engaged in coaching, since 2013 she has headed the Wrestling League. The only thing that does not work out for her, in her opinion, is her personal life. Natalia Batova even came to the television program "Let's Get Married" in search of a soul mate.

Personal life

Natalya Batova is reluctant to discuss her personal life, and her fans were extremely surprised when she appeared on the Let's Get Married program. The favorite of bodybuilders and bodybuilders appeared on the program in an unusual, updated form - feminine, in a dress with a neckline, with makeup and manicure.

All that is known about the athlete's personal life is that in her youth she was married, but this experience was unsuccessful. The family broke up shortly after the wedding, the couple had no children.


In 2017, a surprise awaited Natalia Batova's fans. Their favorite gave birth to a daughter, contrary to popular belief that women who are involved in bodybuilding are unable to have children. Nobody knows who gave her a daughter. Natalia herself refuses to answer questions about whether she has a man.

But a year after the birth of her daughter, Batova reiterated her desire to connect her life with a man, and within the framework of a popular show. She not only frankly stated that she was alone, but also talked about her fears, wishes, dreams.

A few months ago, the bodybuilder admitted to reporters that she was in love. She said that it was for the sake of a new lover that she changed her image, became more feminine, and reduced the intensity of training and professional activity. But the woman did not name her friend, saying that "her personal life is a secret behind seven locks."

What is Natalia Batova doing now

Now the athlete is focused on raising her daughter and on her development in the multimedia space. She graduated from the school of TV presenters, maintains her video blog on a popular website on the Internet, but its topic is not related to sports. In her videos, Natalya reflects on the topic of psychology, the relationship between a man and a woman.


Fans of Batova can do bodybuilding with her. Natalya records her workouts on video, accompanies them with recommendations for shaping a beautiful body, and communicates with subscribers with pleasure in the comments.

In addition, the bodybuilder is happy to appear on TV - she does not refuse to participate in the show, has already appeared on the KVN stage, "noted" in comedy programs on the TNT channel, willingly acted as a critic of a sensational feature film.
