Natalya Terentyeva: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Natalya Terentyeva: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Natalya Terentyeva: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Natalia Ivanovna Terentyeva is a theater actress who has become a legend. After going through the war and difficult post-war years, having lived for many years in the provincial Yaroslavl, she achieved a brilliant career and audience recognition. N. Terentyeva is the standard of the creative intelligentsia and the person-lover of life who has lived up to 92 years.

Natalya Terentyeva: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Natalya Terentyeva: biography, creativity, career, personal life


The birthplace of Natalia Ivanovna Terentyeva is Moscow. Year of birth - 1926. The family was closely associated with the theater. Her grandmother studied with O. Knipper-Chekhova, to whom Natasha recited poetry as a child. Everyone eagerly listened to my grandmother's stories. The grandfather and mother had a specific job - they taught stage speech.


The family was patriarchal, very large: thirteen grandchildren. Grandma's sister was a wonderful artist. She told Natalia about God and raised her sympathetically. In the evening they gathered at a large table - sculpted, painted, made some crafts and discussed everything that they had learned during the day.

Children often visited the theater. Young singers came home to them. Mother helped them learn arias. At home, the children sang constantly.

The moral ideals of the family

Natalia's grandfather was of German descent. When he gained experience working with deaf and dumb children, he was invited to Russia as a tutor to the child. Subsequently, he opened the first school in Russia for deaf and dumb children, who were brought from everywhere - from villages, even from Siberia. People went because they knew that they would be admitted free of charge. Natalia played with them in the garden and knew that they should be pitied. So mercy was instilled from the cradle. The family helped unselfishly, although they did not live well, the children wore darned clothes. Here they understood human misfortune.

Young years

When the war broke out, their family was evacuated to Kazan. The seventh grader Natalia had to work. She traveled to the other side of the city on foot every day. She had a duty to buy firewood. She also delivered food to the children of railway workers.

Natalia was attracted by the profession of an opera singer. In Moscow, the mother showed her daughter to a vocal teacher. It turned out that she had the data, but there was no money for training.

Artistic creativity

During the war years, Natasha, together with her mother, a military doctor, accompanied the ambulance trains. At the end of the war, she was enrolled in the auxiliary staff of the theater and entered the Moscow Theater School.

N. Terentyeva worked in Irkutsk, Pskov and Yaroslavl. In total, she played more than 200 roles. The audience loved her work very much.

Whatever image she creates - a princess, a duchess or a baroness, a lady, a general or a landowner, a widow of a collegiate assessor, a woman commissioner or mother of a revolutionary, a daughter of a merchant, a daughter of a lawyer or psychiatrist, a woman who is engaged in fortune telling and fortune-telling, or the daughter-in-law of the owner a steamship company, a maid, a Mrs or a matchmaker. The actress has always been the pride of the troupe.


Mother image

A widow woman, who lost her breadwinner, said goodbye to her eldest son, who was in the Peter and Paul Fortress. Maria Alexandrovna gazed intently into Sasha's face. She had no right to cry - the children were coming. She must be steadfast, must step over her own pride and beg the highest pardon. The image of M. I. Ulyanova, created by N. Terentyeva, impressed with the strength of spirit and nobility and always excited the audience.

The image in which she put all her experience and skill became Tolgonai in Ch. Aitmatov's "Mother's Field". The actress has always been attracted by the spiritual beauty and moral strength of a person. Together with the heroine of the story N. Terentyeva went through her unadorned life and her state of mind.

Time, stop

On Fridays in the apartment of Pan František, there were meetings of friends who lived in a nursing home. They were well looked after, they received gifts and medicines, but only this day made their souls and hearts happy - they enjoyed the homely atmosphere. On Friday, Frantisek hid his watch to stop time. Each of the heroes has memories. And everyone carefully maintained the illusion. And they were all united by Mrs. Conti, who was superbly played by N. Terentyeva.


Experience of defeat

Dostoevsky's heroes are not easy to play. The plot of the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky's "The Gambler" is the fate of a person playing roulette. One of the heroines - a rich Moscow old woman - lost a fortune in one day. This Russian lady goes through a wise experience of defeat. N. Terentyeva, as always, did not disappoint the expectations of the viewer. The play about passions, temptations, chances and luck was enriched by her role.


Predator Merope

Wolves and sheep at A. N. Ostrovsky are predators and prey. One of the predators was played by N. Terentyeva. Meropa Murzavetskaya was a landowner who had significant weight in the province. The habitual lie in her coexisted with the knowledge of who was really worth what. And how clever she pretends that she does not even want to dirty her hands with money. Her words sound sanctimonious that if she has sinned, then she will not dine. The play about how the old evil is replaced by the new evil sounds and is now relevant. And the image was created by the actress bright and convex.


From personal life

N. Terentyeva's husband is an artist Sergei Konstantinovich Tikhonov. Sergey and Natalia got married while still at school. They loved each other very much all their lives and were, according to the actress, great comrades. Son Nikita was born in Irkutsk. Now he is a director.

The main thing in life for N. Terentyeva was always the family.


A whole artistic phenomenon

The appearance of the famous N. Terentyeva during the performance almost always made the audience hold their breath. The stage was filled with flowers. N. Terentyeva is a whole phenomenon, not provincial or metropolitan. This is the phenomenon of a great actress. And as a representative of the creative intelligentsia, and as a person, she is a standard. Her life path and brilliant career ended at 93.