Evgeny Kemerovsky: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Evgeny Kemerovsky: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Evgeny Kemerovsky: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

“Russian chanson”, of which Yevgeny Kemerovsky is a representative, he calls especially, in his own way - “cinema music”. The musician believes that each of his songs sounds like a separate story that he tells the audience.

Evgeny Kemerovsky: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Evgeny Kemerovsky: biography, creativity, career, personal life

Childhood and youth

The popular Russian chansonnier Evgeny Kemerovsky was born in 1962. He comes from the mining town of Novy Gorodok in the Kemerovo region. The grandmother provided great help to the parents in raising the boy. She noticed her grandson's musical abilities and taught him to play musical instruments. At the age of 12, Zhenya enrolled in a music school in the guitar class, and two years later he already performed as part of an amateur group on dance floors. The second hobby in the boy's life was sports. It was to him that he gave preference when choosing a specialty and after graduating from school, he became a student at the Institute of Physical Education in Smolensk. A new stage in education was the Moscow Academy of Sports, where he received the title of Master of Sports of the USSR in freestyle wrestling.


The beginning of the creative path

Eugene's soul was drawn to beauty. In 1991 he went to Berlin to study directing and screenwriting. A year later, a terrible tragedy occurred in his life, which became a turning point in his biography. A car accident claimed the life of his brother Alexander, a famous athlete. Like all twins, the brothers were very close. Sasha began to play sports earlier and introduced his brother to his studies, together they graduated from one university. For three years, the event "knocked the young man off the track", but served as an impetus in his creative career.

The solo performances of the performer, which began on December 1, 1995, coincided with the premiere of the debut album "My Brother". It consisted of two parts, one Eugene collected eight songs dedicated to the memory of his brother, the other sounded works written by Alexander himself. The album was widely recognized by listeners, video clips appeared on many compositions, the song "Brothers, don't shoot each other" became the singer's calling card. During the filming of the video in New York for the song "Cold Morning", the translator suggested that the musician give the surname easier for the director's convenience, since "Yakovlev" was difficult to pronounce. Eugene instantly replied: "Kemerovo." So suddenly the artist's pseudonym appeared from the name of his small homeland.


First contract

In 1996, the artist signed an important contract with Poly Gram Russia. The firm was involved in showing his video clips on the BIZ-TV channel. Each clip was like a small film, extremely emotional and eventful.

Soon the artist released his second album "Stolypin Wagon", which was dedicated to the victims of Stalin's repressions. The popularity of the artist grew every day. A checkered cap, which the artist wore on the set and every time he went on stage, became an invariable detail of his image.

At the end of 1997, the musician decided to try himself in other genres: boogie-woogie and rock and roll. An experiment with rhythmic music of the 60s and 70s was crowned with success, Kemerovsky released his third album entitled "The Godfather". On this, his cooperation with "Poly Gram Russia" ended, the period of touring began. Everywhere the artist was greeted with full auditoriums, he was accompanied by success and recognition.


Further career

The material accumulated over several years was realized in the new collection "Siberian Taiga". Presenting his work, the performer traveled across most of the country: Siberia, the Urals, the Far East and the central regions. The trip covered four dozen Russian cities, in addition to that, visited the United States and Israel. The final of the long tour in the spring of 1999 was a performance in the capital's concert hall "Russia".

The next album was released a decade later and was named "So We Will Live". The musician Igor Korzh took part in its creation. In the same period, a collection of songs by Vladimir Vysotsky "Hunting for wolves" was published. Eugene regarded his release as his contribution to preserving the memory of the famous artist. His next disc "Don't Try to Break" is also dedicated to Vysotsky. The collection contains compositions created by the author for a quarter of a century. Soon the songs "Unknown Ferry" and "Call Me Into the Sky" reached the top of the "Radio Chanson" chart. Kemerovsky won the Chanson of the Year award six times. The musician became a regular guest of the "Eehh, Razgulyay!"

Kemerovsky is known not only as a singer, but also as the author of numerous hits for representatives of the Russian musical Olympus. Lyubov Uspenskaya, an unsurpassed performer of chanson, he presented the song "Mistress of Fate", his composition "Palms" sounded at the concerts of Irina Allegrova. The song "Deaf-mute Love" performed by Boris Moiseev became a real hit. Katya Lel added to the popularity of his works "Winter Rains" and "I Miss You". The author of Laima Vaikule's song "Your name is tango" was awarded the prestigious national award "Song 2002".


Personal life

The artist tells little about his life outside the stage, modestly answering the question: "I'm fine." Wife Tamara says that her husband always fulfills her requests, and she supports him in all his endeavors. For twenty years of family life, the couple learned to understand each other from a half-glance. Ten years ago, they got married; they chose an unusual date for their celebration - 08.08.08. The couple have a son, Arseny.

In addition to his musical activities, Kemerovsky tried himself as a director and writer. In 2008 he published a collection of poetry "Happiness". The author collected his poems for fifteen years. Happiness, in the author's understanding, is "when you owe nothing to anyone." And each reader has his own answer to this question. At present, the second book of poems "Infinity" is ready for release.

Songs of Evgeny Kemerovsky are ingenuous and sincere. He has never been in prison and was not a thief. Nobody took him to the stage. Everything that he has achieved in life is the result of great hard work. He did not obey the laws of show business and achieves everything on his own. The musician continues to record songs and perform, and in return receives great love from the audience. At the beginning of each concert, the chansonnier asks the audience to “feel at home” and invites them to listen to a “story called life”.