Belonging to the nobility has always been a sign of superiority, blue blood, difference from other people. But is it all in the past? No - it is still possible for an ordinary person to receive a title of nobility at the present time. How to do it?

Step 1
Officially. To do this, you need to contact the Russian Noble Society or the Russian Imperial House. With their help, you can confirm your nobility and receive an order, and with it a letter, where your title of nobility will be indicated. If it was not possible to confirm your belonging to the nobility, the order must be earned. He is honored only for special services to the Fatherland or for his contribution to the revival of the noble heritage. As gratitude from certain individuals, you can receive the nobility for charity.
Step 2
Another way to get a title of nobility is to prove that you already have one. To do this, it is necessary to draw up a family tree (you can contact the Russian Genealogical Federation), conduct appropriate research. If one of your ancestors was a nobleman, consider that you also have blue blood, which means that the title goes to you by inheritance.
Step 3
Nobility can be bought. Quite a large number of different companies will gladly offer you to acquire a beautiful letter for a substantial amount. The amount depends on the title chosen. Together with the certificate, you will receive the right to be called Your Excellency and apply for the title to your relatives. True, such membership of the nobility is considered very doubtful.
Step 4
If you have a lot of money, you can buy a "noble nest". Optional in Russia. In any royal country, for example, in Great Britain, it is possible to purchase a piece of land to which the title is attached. As a nice addition, you can also be the owner of the castle.
Step 5
And finally, the simplest thing. The title of nobility can be simply assigned. Make a beautiful diploma and order yourself and simply hang it on the wall. Of course, such a nobility will not rank you among the highest circles of society.