What Is The Worship Cross

What Is The Worship Cross
What Is The Worship Cross

Vandals against worship crosses are not uncommon lately. The intruders cut them, set them on fire, saw them off. Perhaps the clue to such seemingly unhealthy actions lies not at all in the fact that people have nothing sacred, but in the fact that they simply do not know their history, in which such a symbol as a worship cross has always had a special meaning.

What is the worship cross
What is the worship cross

The tradition of placing worship and monumental crosses has ancient origins. The first symbols of Christianity appeared in apostolic times and signified the enlightenment of this or that earth with the light of the preaching and teaching of Christ. In Russia, the pious custom of installing the cross arose several centuries later and became especially widespread during the Tatar-Mongol invasion.

Even then, the cross was perceived not only as a sacred symbol, but also had a completely practical application - for example, a protective function.

What are worship crosses

In most cases, bow crosses are made of wood, less often of metal. Since the cross must be clearly visible from a long distance, its dimensions are quite large - starting from 2 meters or more in height. Sometimes the cross is installed on a special pedestal - a kind of hill made of stones and symbolizing Calvary and the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

What is the difference between worship crosses

As in the old days, so now, the installation of the worship cross anywhere has its own symbolism and deep meaning. Some of the crosses are installed as thanksgiving or vows. Their creators want to thank God for a miraculous recovery, the birth of a long-awaited child, or any other unexpected and sometimes impossible mercy.

There are times when memorial crosses are erected where massacres were committed. One of these crosses was installed at the Butovo training ground. It was cut out and brought there from Solovki in memory of all the innocent victims of the repressions.

The Solovetsky cross was made in the Cross-Carving Chamber of the Transfiguration of the Savior Solovetsky Monastery. It reaches 12.5 m in length and 7.6 m in width.

Boundary crosses are erected along the roads. Their main purpose is the opportunity to pray away from the church and receive blessings on the further journey. In Russia, and later in the Russian Empire, they were always installed at the entrance to a settlement, at a crossroads or even at the state border.

Recently, on the roads, we have increasingly come across another type of crosses - memorial crosses. They are installed in the place of sudden death of people in memory of them and in the hope that believers, seeing this cross, will pray for the soul of the deceased.

Significant crosses in modern Russia are extremely rare. According to custom, they were installed as a guide for sailors. Such crosses greatly exceeded all others in size and reached 10-12 meters in length.

One conspicuous cross has survived to this day - anyone can see it while sailing past Mount Athos.

The crosses, which were often used in everyday life of any believer, are gate and wall crosses. One was hoisted over the entrance to the dwelling, the second was placed on the wall of the house.

The last type of worship crosses are those that are installed on the site of the lost temple. True, in recent years more and more crosses being erected have a completely opposite meaning and are being laid not only where the temple once was, but also where it is definitely planned to be built. The main thing is that no one else destroys them.
