Why People Worship Beauty

Why People Worship Beauty
Why People Worship Beauty

Beauty can be so different: the beauty of sound, word, image, smell. But each of the types of beauty is united by some common attributes - it must be harmonious, balanced, perceived as a single, complete.

Why people worship beauty
Why people worship beauty

What is beauty? Why, when looking at something from our point of view, a beautiful human heart begins to beat faster, and tears well up in his eyes? Why, despite the fact that the canons of beauty have repeatedly changed, there are still things whose beauty is considered absolute for any culture and any time? Even in the ancient world, beauty was associated with spirituality, that is, the highest measure of understanding and insight, the materialized meaning of the universe (Socrates said that beauty is a category of consciousness and mind). Already ancient authors tried to understand where the line separates the beautiful from the beautiful, and the beautiful from the divine. Where is the providence that allows you to create something beyond human perception? And is there an additional meaning in this that could explain the very existence of man and his higher purpose? And is it possible to comprehend this meaning? Plato believed that before birth, a person is in beauty and purity of thought. And after birth, he tries all his life to return back to this divine state, lost at birth. Beauty, especially filled with sacred meaning, survived persecution in the Middle, Troubled Ages, when everything beautiful was considered to come from the devil, crafty to tempt the common man. Less divine and more bright, pompous, pretentious were put into this concept. Beauty has lost its deeply philosophical meaning and has become a measure of human desires and aspirations. If a large number of people want to possess this or that object, it means that it is beautiful. That is, there was a substitution of concepts. Also, do not confuse beauty with fashion. For example, in the Middle Ages there was a fashion for thinness and pallor of the human body, but behind this was a desire to imitate aristocrats who did not go out into the sun and did not engage in physical labor. Just like the fashion for stoutness, sung by Rubens, is nothing more than a tribute to people who live in abundance, and not half-starved, like most people of that period. Now humanity is trying to return the original, pure sense of beauty. We are looking for it in painting and literature, music and drama. Because we, like our ancestors, believe that beauty is the answer to the question of why we are, what is our goal, where we are going and whether we are doing it right. Beauty is divine. People who create or are aware of beauty get a little closer to understanding the answer to the most important question. That is why it is natural for a person to deify beauty.
