Many pop singers continue the family tradition. The influence of parents on the worldview of children is very great. Of course, the child absorbs all kinds of fluids from the environment, and anything can happen. But there comes such a moment, and the young man has to make his choice. This need arises at an early age, usually after leaving school. Andrey Sergeevich Davidyan received his talent "by inheritance". And he did not lose him, as it happens, in the troubles and troubles of life.

Musical pie
The life path of each person is determined not only by distant stars, but also by very real circumstances on our earth. Creativity of Andrei Davidyan is little known to those who like to spend time in front of the TV. He is considered to be one of the cult performers. At the same time, the singer was well known and still remembered by musicians and singers of various genres. Andrey's biography says that the child was born on January 30, 1956. The family of the then famous opera singer Sergei Davidyan lived in Moscow. Mother was a famous pianist.
Andrey grew up in a creative atmosphere. When it was time to go to school, it turned out that he would study with the children of famous writers, musicians and artists. Practice shows that such a combination could have developed only in Moscow and only in those years. He observed and knew perfectly well how they live in such families, what they value and what values they are guided by. It was not accepted in the class to brag about the achievements of their parents. Such behavior was regarded as plebeian and caused contempt for such antics.
In high school, Davidyan, together with friends, created a vocal and instrumental ensemble. It is interesting to note that Andrei assembled the drum kit on his own from improvised objects and materials. The first step in a musical career can be considered participation in the group "Leap Summer". The cooperation was short-lived. Having received a certificate of maturity, the young man decided to enter the theater institute, but did not pass the competition. And in the fall, according to the current regulations, he was drafted into the army. Andrey dropped out to serve in the Marine Corps.
After the service, Davydyan continued to do his favorite work and collaborated with various musical groups. It is important to note that the singer graduated from the Institute of Asia and Africa. A talented person is talented in many areas. Andrey perfectly mastered French, English and Arabic. His love of music prompted him to listen to local tunes, on business trips to distant countries as a translator.
Closing the circle
Davidyan decided to return to professional studies on stage in the early 90s. The work for the translator suddenly disappeared, but it turned out that his colleagues in the shop remembered him. Andrey created a group called "Sound Cake", which means "sound cake" in English. For more than twenty years, the group has successfully performed at various venues. They wrote articles about the "pie" and made films.
The personal life of the maestro was uneven. It is known that Davidian has three daughters. Seniors live and work somewhere abroad. The youngest, named Katya, lives in Russia. The husband and wife, although they are divorced, tried to support the girl in every possible way. Andrey Sergeevich Davidyan died suddenly on November 11, 2016.