The Impact Of Music On Humans

The Impact Of Music On Humans
The Impact Of Music On Humans

The influence of music on a particular person is purely individual. A particular person is helped by the music that is consonant with his inner essence. If they merge, then a positive effect is visible. Sometimes a person chooses music that is not considered useful. You can determine which music suits you personally by listening to your emotional perception.

The impact of music on humans
The impact of music on humans

It is very important what musical rhythms accompanied a person through life, what music prevailed in the environment where he grew up. If from childhood he was accompanied by folk melodies that create pleasant emotions, then in the future, with the sounds of familiar melodies, the body remembers something very good and rebuilds today's internal state to the state that was once accompanied by this melody. Much has been said about the healing and positive effects of classical music. But can it have a positive effect on a person in whom it does not arouse any interest?

On the other hand, it seems that it is not music that creates elements of aggression and negative emotions, but certain types of music correspond to negative emotions. If there is aggression inside a person, then he is attracted by the music that is in tune with it, say the same hard rock, if negative emotions are boiling in him - rap, and if there is something with the psyche - then, for example, heavy metal. Therefore, recipes for what kind of music and what author should be listened to for certain health problems do not help everyone, but those who can accept its positive effect. For example, the plays of Sibelius, Grieg or Tchaikovsky can help from insomnia only to those whose emotions flow in line with the emotions created by this music.

Depending on the inner perception, the same music can cheer up one, and spoil the mood for another, help one, and harm the other. The main thing is the mental and emotional state of a person. If it is in tune with the sounds heard, harmony occurs, which can have a positive effect, both on well-being and on the result of actions taken to achieve success. Therefore, such opinions that the plays of Tchaikovsky, Sibelius and Grieg can help with insomnia, that listening to Mozart's music can increase the digestibility of information and mental performance, that memory can be improved by listening to Vivaldi's Seasons - should be true, but only in certain cases … Healing melodies are filled with sounds that are capable of activating vibrations in tune with them in a person and entering into resonance with them.

The resonance of the musical and internal vibrations of a particular person is a must. Only then the music touches us and fills us completely, pours in with a powerful stream of positive emotions, through which a therapeutic and psychological effect is achieved - the negative is expelled, illnesses are alleviated, and immunity is increased.

But the impact of music is not always positive. Music cannot create in a person vibrations that are not inherent in him, expressed in emotions and feelings, it cannot evoke moods that are not inherent in him. Everything is determined by what kind of vibrations a particular person is able to accept. The choice of music that can have an impact on a person is determined by the prevailing emotions in him. With a pronounced inner negativity of a person, the choice falls on music, which intensifies the negative, which becomes the reason for its strengthening and creating situations with unpleasant consequences.