How To Pay The State Fee For Registering A Marriage

How To Pay The State Fee For Registering A Marriage
How To Pay The State Fee For Registering A Marriage

In order to register your relationship with the registry office, you must pay a state fee. This moment should not be scary, since the required amount is quite low, and the procedure itself does not take much time.

How to pay the state fee for registering a marriage
How to pay the state fee for registering a marriage

Payment of state duty for marriage registration

Before setting the official date of marriage, you must submit an application and pay the state fee. This is done 1-2 months before the proposed celebration. This time is given to people to think about the step they are taking.

When going to the registry office to submit the necessary documents, you need to have the following list with you:

1. Passport.

2. Certificate of dissolution of the previous marriage, if any.

3. If the bride or groom is a minor, a special permission to marry is required.

4. Nonresident citizens will have to present a document confirming their temporary registration.

If we compare the size of the state duty for registering a marriage with the money spent on the procedure for preparing for the wedding celebration, then it will turn out to be quite insignificant. This amount is only 200 rubles.

In the registry office itself, you will be asked to fill out an application form and a receipt with the necessary details and amount will be issued. As a rule, banks are located next to the wedding department, where payments can be made without any problems.

If there are no banking structures nearby or the couple has no free time at all, and the queue at the cash desks is very long, it is possible to pay the state fee in advance. To do this, you need to print the required form from the Internet or first take it from the registry office. So that while filling out the receipt there are no difficulties with the details, the necessary information can be clarified in advance at the registry office.

After paying the state fee, you can safely go to apply for marriage registration.

Exemption from state duty and return of paid money

In special cases, it is possible for a couple to be exempted from paying state duty. This applies, for example, to cases where the employees of the institution made mistakes or typos in the marriage certificate through their own fault.

In such situations, a duplicate is issued free of charge, while re-issuing a document would cost another 200 rubles.

As a rule, the paid state duty is not refundable under any circumstances. This applies even to those cases when, after submitting the application, the couple changed their minds to marry or decided to move the date of the celebration. In case of an overdue application, the fee will have to be paid again. If the lovers, for example, after submitting the application, do not appear with their passports at the registry office, but come a few days later, they will have to go through the entire procedure again, from submitting the documents to paying for the receipt. Therefore, in order not to overpay once again, this procedure should be taken seriously.
