How To Compose A Document

How To Compose A Document
How To Compose A Document

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In any office and in production, employees often work with various kinds of documents, so the ability to draw up official, business documents is necessary for everyone. At the same time, there are general requirements that must be adhered to when drawing up any document - a business letter, order, position, instruction, etc.

How to compose a document
How to compose a document


Step 1

Start drafting the document by clarifying its expediency and the range of issues that need to be resolved. This will help you determine the type of document and its form, which largely determine the nature and style of presentation of its content.

Step 2

Review government and agency laws and regulations that govern how these issues are addressed. This is a very important stage, showing your literacy, and allowing you to draw up a document that fully meets the established procedure for processing and resolving work issues. This will also help determine the addressee, the approving and coordinating body and ensure that the content of this document and its form of competence of this organization.

Step 3

Study the texts of administrative and regulatory documents so that the document being drawn up does not conflict with them, does not duplicate them. For this, it is necessary to have an electronic database of such documents.

Step 4

Gather information on the merits of the issues to be solved, draw up a draft document. When drafting, use stencil texts and standard phrases and expressions traditionally used in business documents. Explore other documents that have been developed in your organization or peer enterprise system and take their writing style as a basis.

Step 5

The main text of the document is intended to induce some action, to convince. It must be reasoned and logical. The wording must be strictly adhered to in legal terms. In the first place are the requirements for the reliability and objectivity of the information presented. The text should be accurate and as informative and concise as possible. Naturally, there should be no grammatical, punctuation or stylistic errors in it. In the event that in a document you mention information contained in another source or document, you must indicate all of its output.

Step 6

Edit the draft document and coordinate it with those persons who are authorized to do so. After that, draw up the document in accordance with the accepted norms and sign it.
