Sergey Isakov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Sergey Isakov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Sergey Isakov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Isakov Sergei Mikhailovich, who dreamed of flying as a child, became a sculptor. Lived abroad for several years. Nostalgia has won. He returned to Russia and began to sculpt secular and Orthodox sculptures. Loves saints more. She dreams of having more literary sculptures.

Sergey Isakov: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Sergey Isakov: biography, creativity, career, personal life

From biography

Isakov Sergey Mikhailovich was born in Kaliningrad in 1954.

The dream of becoming a pilot did not come true due to health conditions. Studied at Moscow State University at the art and graphics department. Already in his student years he showed abilities. His aunt played a decisive role in his life. She lived in Belgium. Having looked at the work of her nephew, she said that he needed to study further. When asked why? - answered that it is necessary to start a career. This is how his dream became to study abroad. There was no money for training. But he was lucky - his work surprised the Minister of Culture of Belgium, and Sergei got the opportunity to study for free. He soon became the pride of the Academy.


He could live in any capital of Europe. Career was taking off. He and his wife lived abroad for five years. But, as Sergei admits, his soul was eager to return to his homeland. He calls Russia his creative battery. In Europe, everything seems to be good on the outside, but without Russia there is emptiness inside. Sergey Isakov said:


He works only on what is close to him, and says that he never connected his business with ideology.

Orthodox sculptures

The work of the sculptor S. Isakov is developing in two directions - secular and religious. Favorite is the second. Patriarch Kirill called his works icons in bronze.

In the 90s, a project was considered to erect a monument to Nicholas the Wonderworker along the perimeter of Russia. The sculptor had a small model of this saint ready. She stood for 20-25 years useless. Once he had an acquaintance visiting him, an art lover, and he decided to show it to Patriarch Alexy II. This is how the lucky fate of this statuette began.

In Kamchatka, drunken men asked him, pointing to the monument to Nicholas the Wonderworker, about who he was. And Sergei replied that this is a Russian god. How many times in churches he observed how this icon could not be crowded. And he, as an artist, wanted to help restore the faith. Captains of Russian ships are honoring the monument with honks. It is difficult to name a sculptor whose work has been so honored. S. Isakov notices how the places where Nicholas the Wonderworker stands are gradually transformed. They begin to live somehow like human beings, they become pure.


S. Isakov insisted that the monument to Andrew the First-Called in the form of the figure of an apostle with a cross on his shoulder be installed in Bataisk. The monument has become a place of pilgrimage.

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky was named in honor of these saints. S. Isakov likes to explain the history of the place where the figure is placed. He believes that these images of themselves asked for the city. Peter and Paul are especially beautiful in the rays of the setting sun.

One of S. Isakov's creations is dedicated to Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom, next to whom there is an angel. The sculptor chose the moment when they sealed the relationship with an oath. The monument turned out to be both solemn and fabulously elegant. It is visited by newlyweds. Residents managed to come up with signs: you need to touch Fevronier - family happiness will be added, to the prince - masculine strength.

Secular creativity

In Biysk you can see the bronze Peter I on horseback. This is an image of the winner: the right hand is raised, the gaze is directed into the distance. Before us is a military leader, in his prime, and is looking into the future.


In the collection of works by S. Isakov there is one that is dedicated to … a military truck. "Lorry" is made in full size. On such machines people were evacuated and food was brought to besieged Leningrad.

In memory of the Chernobyl tragedy, a sculpture was created, which is installed in Rostov. The author managed to convey the selfless behavior of people, since he himself took part in the elimination of the accident.


"Alexander Pushkin and Natalia Goncharova" - park sculpture. The great poet talks with his wife sitting on a bench. Interestingly, anyone can sit next to famous people.


Monument to A. P. Chekhov consists of three parts. The bottom one is a writer like an ordinary person. In the middle part, he is among his heroes. In the upper part on the lyre is his bust, which consists of 300 of his heroes. This part is the most significant and was installed in Germany, where Sergey Isakov, together with his son, presented his work. The sculptor recalled how, in order to examine every detail, those present used magnifying glasses. In 2019, the lower part of the monument was transferred to the Hermitage.

The monument to the mother is highly spiritual and at the same time airy. According to its creator, when a woman gives birth, the atmosphere around is special - airy. At the top, a man and a woman are kissing. A cross connects them at the very top. Mother's image is light and warm.

From personal life

Sergei found his soul mate - Tatyana - in his student years. The children were named after their parents Tanya and Serezha. Lived in Rostov-on-Don. Soon they settled in the modest Bataysk.

The family has church awards. Daughter Tatiana helps her father. The wife works for a charitable foundation. The son wants to be an architect.


Human images

S. Isakov is a talented, purposeful and hardworking person. He became famous in Russia as well. His works are filled with humanity, spirituality. According to the sculptor, there are not enough sculptures associated with the specific history of these places in Russian towns and villages. His dream remains the desire to decorate squares and squares with literary figures.