Why Traditions Are Important

Why Traditions Are Important
Why Traditions Are Important

Family celebrations, children's performances, drawing up a family tree - all these traditions and rituals help to feel the community and unity of all family members.

Traditions passed down from generation to generation are an element of cultural heritage and a foundation in the formation of morality.

Why traditions are important
Why traditions are important

Nowadays, adults have to work hard, and children are often left to their own devices. Today "guest" marriages are becoming fashionable, and raising children is taking place more and more over the phone - all this leads to a weakening of family ties and the loss of traditions.

Meanwhile, psychologists are sure that family traditions are very important for children. They help keep the generations connected. With constancy, repetitive events allow the child to feel the stability of the world around him. A family is not only a joint budget and everyday life. This is, first of all, a special spirit and atmosphere. And it is precisely in the loss of family traditions that psychologists tend to see many of the problems of adolescence.

Families where people truly value and love each other tend to have an interesting life together. Holidays are arranged, gifts are given, and family and friends are simply given pleasure.

In friendly families, they gather with great joy at a common table on days of family celebrations: name days, anniversaries, memorable dates. They have their own rituals of receiving guests and congratulations. The way of such families constantly absorbs all the best and most interesting from the surrounding life, but at the same time they create their own unique and inimitable world, knowing full well that traditions are the path to unity.

Some rituals come to families from parents, grandparents, some are invented. The richer the family is in traditions, the more successful and happy children will grow up. Family holidays and congratulations, collective reading of books and board games, going out of town for picnics - all this can become symbols of an ideal world for children.

The historian V. Klyuchevsky wrote: "… take away from a modern person slowly and difficultly acquired belongings of customs and traditions - he will be confused, having lost all his everyday skill, will not know how to deal with his neighbor, and will be forced to start all over again." Therefore, it is very important to be the guardians of family traditions and rituals.