How To Prepare For Going To Church

How To Prepare For Going To Church
How To Prepare For Going To Church

Going to church, especially if you are rarely there, is a special event, and you should prepare for it in advance. It is necessary to find out the rules of conduct during the service, the requirements for clothing and makeup, and also to tune in spiritually.

How to prepare for going to church
How to prepare for going to church

When going to the temple, you must dress properly. Clothes should be neat and clean, without deep cutouts and transparent inserts. It is better for women to wear a long skirt (below the knee), a dress with long or medium sleeves; men should also not wear shorts and a T-shirt. At the entrance to the temple, women must put on a headdress (scarf, hat, hat), and men, on the contrary, must take off. Makeup should be modest, it is better not to paint your lips. In some churches, if these conditions are not met, you will simply not be allowed.

Familiarize yourself with the rules of conduct in the church in advance, they are common to all Orthodox churches. At the entrance, you must cross your right hand three times, bowing to the icon in the belt. You should not cross yourself in gloves or mittens. Unplug your mobile phone while attending church, do not talk loudly or push. You cannot turn your back on the altar and enter it.

If you are planning to attend church with your children, explain in advance that you should not laugh, be naughty, and run in church. Calm down the crying child or leave the temple so as not to interrupt the common prayer.

Don't forget to take your money with you. Each church has a candle box - a place where believers are offered to buy candles, books, icons, crosses and other objects of faith. Here you can also order prayer services, mass, christening, funeral services, weddings, commemorations of health and repose - for a fee. Photography in some temples is also paid. The larger and more famous the temple, the more parishioners it has, the higher the prices for services are.

There is a myth that women should not attend the temple on critical days. This is not so, these days you can go to church, light candles, pray and submit notes, but it is better to refuse to participate in the wedding, baptism, communion (although this is not a strict prohibition).