Sergey Teplyakov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Sergey Teplyakov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Sergey Teplyakov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Sergei Aleksandrovich Teplyakov is called a universal journalist, because he works in many genres. In his midst and in his region, he is a very authoritative person who has gone through a difficult life school. There were ups and downs in his life, and different moments that taught a lot.

Sergey Teplyakov: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Sergey Teplyakov: biography, creativity, career, personal life


Sergey Aleksandrovich Teplyakov was born in 1966 in Novoaltaisk. His mother worked as a history teacher, his father was a geologist. Since childhood, Sergei showed great interest in literature, in the humanities. Therefore, he decided to get an education at the Barnaul State Pedagogical Institute, at the Faculty of History, but did not finish it - he went to the army.

He served in Western Ukraine, in Chernivtsi and Ivanovo-Frankovsk, and also ended up in Chernobyl to eliminate the nuclear power plant accident. Two years later, he returned to Novoaltaisk and in 1987 began working as a journalist for the regional newspaper "Youth of Altai". Gradually climbing the career ladder, Sergei began to cooperate with the newspaper "Altayskaya Pravda", Altai television companies. And since 2005 he became the own correspondent of the newspaper "Izvestia" in the Altai Territory.

He interviewed famous people, conducted investigative journalism, wrote theatrical reviews. He visited hot spots, wrote reports from there. He also revealed acute political and economic topics.

For example, when the events of 1991 took place in Vilnius, Sergei wrote reports from there directly from the scene. In 1994, Teplyakov visited Tajikistan during the civil war and there, at the risk of his life, obtained information for the media.

When five girls from Altai State University disappeared without a trace in 2000, he conducted an independent journalistic investigation. This prompted the investigating authorities to take more active steps.

In 2005, Sergei Alexandrovich got into serious trouble. He interviewed Boris Berezovsky, who was on the wanted list, and posted the interview on the Internet. In the conversation, Berezovsky uttered the phrase about "forceful interception of power in Russia." And then Teplyakov came to the attention of the FSB - they demanded an explanation from him.

He was also engaged in writing constantly about violations of human rights in the Altai Territory. At that time he already worked at Altayskaya Pravda and wrote mainly about the problems of Barnaul: he raised the problems of infill housing developments, illegal sale and purchase of land, defrauded equity holders. From under his pen came many sharp articles about the squandering of the budget with specific names, about violations in the resettlement of residents from dilapidated and dilapidated housing. Having collected a mass of material about such violations, Teplyakov came to the conclusion that much in the region depends on the local authorities.

And the journalist began an investigation into the activities of the head of Barnaul, Vladimir Kolganov. He wrote honest articles in local newspapers, posted his research on the Internet. As a result, a criminal case was opened against Kolganov in 2009. And in 2010 he was removed from the post of head.


Teplyakov's sharp materials spoiled a lot of blood for officials of different ranks. When the governor of the Altai Territory Mikhail Evdokimov died in a car accident, he wrote about him. After the disaster at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, he wrote about the mismanagement of those who made this accident.

Many materials that he collected about the life of the Altai Territory, he later placed in his books. And in 2015 for his work he received the prize of the Union of Journalists "Golden Pen of Russia".

In the same year, another event happened: he was fired from "Altayskaya Pravda". Apparently, some high-ranking journalist did not like it. At that time, a new leadership came to the newspaper, and Teplyakov's information did not suit him. An uncompromising and “inconvenient” journalist was no longer needed.


Public activist and writer careers

In 2004, Altai journalists opposed the persecution of Vladimir Ryzhkov, who was a State Duma deputy from Baranul. They united in the Union of Altai Journalists, and Sergei Tepyalkov was elected as the chairman. Later, JUA became a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia. He is also a member of the Council of the Union of Public Organizations of the Altai Territory.

Sergei Aleksandrovich initiated the annual Literary Rodionov Readings. They are dedicated to the memory of the Altai writer and historian Alexander Rodionov. Teplyakov is a member of the organizing committee of this event.

In 2011, the journalist began to gradually retrain into a writer. The materials collected in the archives and obtained from everyday life, he began to systematize and express in artistic words. His first book “The Age of Napoleon. Reconstruction of the era”shows the Napoleonic era from different sides of the life of an ordinary person. This research is so deep that the book is recommended for reading by students of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University.

The book "The Case of the Arkharovtsy" describes a recent story - a poaching hunt in 2009, when high-ranking officials killed four Argali rams, which are listed in the Red Book. The hunt ended tragically for the officials themselves: seven of them died in a helicopter crash. Teplyakov collected a lot of material about this event, published a number of articles on this topic in the newspaper Izvestia, and then collected everything in one book. For the investigation of this case, he received the title of "Journalist of Siberia".


Sergei Alexandrovich has a number of fiction books written on the fates of real people, "tough" stories - descriptions of real events, biographical books and works in the road movie genre. That is, he can be considered a universal writer who works in different genres.

In 2016, Sergei Aleksandrovich became a member of the Writers' Union of Russia.

Personal life

In 2012, Sergei Teplyakov married journalist Natalya Sokhareva. His wife supports him in everything: the spouses participate together in meetings with readers, help each other professionally.


Teplyakov has pages on social networks, his own website, where he posts news and interesting information.
