Many people regret to note that human rights are not given from above. You have to fight for them. Practice shows that it is not enough to accept a progressive Law, it is still necessary to achieve its application. Elena Lukyanova is a hereditary lawyer and current human rights activist.

Starting conditions
Loving parents influence children not only by words and deeds, but also by behavior in everyday life. There are many examples of this kind. Russian lawyer, public and political figure Elena Anatolyevna Lukyanova was born on June 27, 1958 in a famous Soviet family. Parents lived in Moscow. Father, a well-known politician, worked in the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Mother, did research at the Academy of Medical Sciences. The girl grew up energetic and inquisitive. From a young age, the child was taught to be independent.
When Elena was seven years old, she was sent to a school with in-depth study of the English language. She studied well. She actively participated in social events and amateur performances. In the pioneer camp, she was elected chairman of the detachment. Her father often took her to the theater. They attended almost all the premieres of the famous Taganka Theater. When the time came to choose a profession, Lukyanova doubted for some time. Parents strongly advised to enter the Literary Institute, but Elena chose the law faculty of Moscow State University.

Professional activity
Having received a law degree in 1980, Lukyanova entered graduate school at the Department of Law. In parallel with the work on the dissertation, I gave a course of lectures to third-year students. Four years later she defended her Ph. D. thesis on the topic "Law as a source of Soviet state law." At that time, the CPSU was the source and guarantor of the rights of Soviet people. Elena Anatolyevna's creativity and fresh ideas fell on fertile soil - a year later, perestroika began in the country. After the events of August 1991, scientific activity had to be interrupted.
The change in the political system in the country was painful. The lower classes did not understand what was happening. And the upper classes divided state property, not paying attention to the recommendations of foreign advisers. At the end of 1993, Lukyanova was invited to the responsible position of an expert in the State Duma apparatus. By this time, she was already a member of the Moscow Regional Bar Association. The subject of her competence was electoral procedures and legal support of elections. In 2010, Lukyanova was elected a member of the Public Chamber.
Recognition and privacy
Lukyanova's professional career in jurisprudence has developed successfully. Back in the Soviet period, she became a laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize for her participation in the education of legal consciousness among young people. In 2012, Elena was awarded a silver medal named after F. N. Plevako.
Elena Anatolyevna does not hide the facts of her personal life. She lives in her second marriage. The husband and wife legalized their relationship in Latvia. The son from his first marriage lives on his own. Lukyanova loves when her son and grandson visit her.