Al-Fayed Dodi: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Al-Fayed Dodi: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Al-Fayed Dodi: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Al-Fayed Dodi is best known for being the last lover of Princess Diana. The son of the famous billionaire died with her in a car accident.

Al-Fayed Dodi
Al-Fayed Dodi

Who doesn't know the story of the beautiful love between Princess Diana and Al-Fayed Dodi? But it all ended sadly. In fairy tales, when the story of great love is told, it is said that at the end of their lives, the couple died on the same day. Diana and Al-Fayed Dodi practically succeeded. Of course, the lovers wanted to live happily ever after. But chance intervened, fate, and perhaps the paparazzi are to blame for everything.



Al-Fayed Dodi was born into the family of Mohammed, a famous Egyptian entrepreneur, owner of hotels, department stores, and a football club. This event took place in mid-April 1955 in the city of Alexandria.

Over time, the boy graduated from St. Mark's College. Then he entered a boarding school in Switzerland. After graduating from this boarding school, Dodi enrolled in the Royal Military Academy in Sandhurst.

Creativity and career

When Al-Fayed was educated, he began working as a producer. On account of his films such as "Broken Glass", released in 1980, "Chariot of Fire", the film was shot in 1981.

A little later, Al-Fayed Dodi acted as a producer in the crime action "Illusion of Murder", which was released in 1986. This was followed by a sequel to this thriller. The Egyptian producer also worked on the films Hook and Scarlet Letter.

Al-Fayed also worked in the company of Mohammed. Also, a successful producer worked in his father's department store as a marketer.

Personal life


The last years of the life of the Egyptian handsome man are invariably associated with the name of Princess Diana. When she was depressed after her divorce from her husband Charles, Mohammed invited the young woman to rest on their family yacht. Diana took her sons with her. The company had a great time on the sea cruise.

In July 1997, Diana and Al-Fayed Dodi went on a yacht trip together. But they were not destined to become husband and wife. Although Diana finally found her love, she was truly happy.

The couple in love so reverently guarded their privacy from the paparazzi that when the journalists staged a hunt for another sensation, Al-Fayed ordered the driver to increase speed, to break away from annoying photographers. But all this led to tragic circumstances. When the car ended up in an underground tunnel, it crashed into a bump stop at great speed. Diana died almost immediately, Al-Fayed Dodi was still alive for some time. He died on the last day of summer in 1997 in the same place in Paris.

The beautiful fairy tale about the princess and her lover has ended …


Films are made based on this story from real life, and Dodi's father erected a beautiful monument to his son and Princess Diana in his department store. On it, lovers hold hands, strive upward after a soaring bird.
