Who Are State Employees

Who Are State Employees
Who Are State Employees

State employees are a collective concept. These include teachers, doctors, kindergarten educators, and many other professions. Work in this area is not considered prestigious. State employees are associated with low wages and low social security. In addition to social workers, this category also includes professions with a much higher status and level of income.

Who are state employees
Who are state employees

The usual look at public sector employees

Budget employees are people who are paid wages from the state budget. The level of remuneration for this category depends entirely on the state and its policies. Part of the taxes that go to the budget goes to finance this area.

Domestic realities demonstrate the unenviable position of public sector workers. The salaries of teachers, doctors and many other professions are traditionally low. The state prefers to direct its financial resources to other items of expenditure. There is another group of state employees, whose status and prestige are beyond doubt.

"Other" state employees

First of all, these are government officials. They receive their salaries in the same way as workers in the education or health sector, from the budget. But their income level is much higher, and the value and respect in modern society is incomparably higher. The official is associated with power, which makes the job desirable and prestigious. At the same time, their social security significantly exceeds the provision of other categories of the budgetary sphere.

Other representatives of state employees, whose status and respect in society is beyond doubt, are the siloviki, otherwise the army. The state considers it its main priority to finance the defense bloc, which is capable of protecting from both external and internal enemies. Therefore, the security forces are much better provided than the social workers. The state tries to solve their problems first of all.

Social justice for state employees

The totality of state employees is diverse, both in terms of income and prestige. The issue of social justice for this category of the population is relevant. The question is what is more important for society - education, health care or power, governance and defense of the country. Since all representatives of the public sector are financed by the state, the development of various areas of the public sector depends on it. The support of the current government determines the priority of this or that profession.

The state has a significant impact on the development of modern society. It is on its financing that the standard of living of a large category of employees - public sector employees - depends. State policy in this area significantly affects the lives of a large number of citizens, and also determines the direction of development of society and its priorities in the near future.