Is It Possible To Read Prayers To Yourself

Is It Possible To Read Prayers To Yourself
Is It Possible To Read Prayers To Yourself

Prayer is a conversation between a person and God, communication with the Upper World, with the Masters and with his Supreme Teacher, who led our spirit to Earth to gain experience in a physical body, to improve our spirit and develop willpower and strength of mind.

Is it possible to read prayers to yourself
Is it possible to read prayers to yourself

The Upper World is a whole host of spirits that help people go through life situations. In Orthodoxy, there is the concept of "Jacob's ladder", on which the spirits (Lords) are located according to the degree of hierarchy. These are spirits who have passed their entire earthly path, incarnated many times on Earth, and atoned for all their sins, all earthly karma, and became the Highest spirits - each at its own level.

These are saints, angels, and archangels, and the Lords of the planets - people do not know the entire exact structure of the Upper world, however, in all religions there are many spirits to whom you can turn with prayers and requests.

Who to contact during prayer

Therefore, when people pray, it is best to turn to a specific saint, Master, spirit, Supreme teacher, or to the Creator himself. That is, the appeals should be specific, "named". Why is that? Because if you don't know who to turn to, prayer won't come.

After all, prayer is a kind of thought, energy that goes to a specific place, to a specific spirit. Therefore, when people pray, first of all they utter an appeal: Muslims turn to Allah; Christians - to Christ; Buddhists - to Buddha or Lord Maitreya.

In general, people are divided into several main religious denominations, beliefs and atheists. In terms of percentage, the picture looks like this:

  • Christianity - 33%, among them Orthodox, Catholics, Protestants and other small divisions of Christianity;
  • Islam - 23%;
  • Hinduism - 15%;
  • Buddhism - 7%
  • Atheism - 17-20%

The rest belong to a wide variety of beliefs, the enumeration of which will take a long time. These are different offshoots of the main religions, which in some ways do not agree with them.

How to pray correctly

Be that as it may, a person of any belief and any religion prays to those Higher Spirits whom he believes. And in every religion there are rules for addressing the Highest, which it is desirable to observe.

What is prayer? This is a request for help, gratitude for support, a request for protection and a blessing for deeds.

So, one should start prayer, freed from all vain thoughts, from everyday problems. They interfere with connecting with the Upper World, with its high vibrations.

What is the Upper World is sheer pure joy. How often do we find ourselves in this state?

Therefore, at least before prayer, you need to tune in to joy, to lightness, to the consciousness of your life as a gift. After all, not all spirits incarnate on Earth, but you were allowed, allowed to this experience. This raises vibrations, tunes the soul to high spheres, and in this state one can easily connect with the Upper World - he will hear and come to the rescue. In a difficult, gloomy or sad state, it is much harder to do this.

But how to pray - aloud or silently, everyone decides. Where to pray - everyone also decides for himself. If we recall the Orthodox ascetics Sergius of Radonezh and Seraphim of Sarov, they generally left the hustle and bustle of the people in the wilderness, in order to pray incessantly there. Only they prayed not for themselves, but for Russia, and for those who live in it.

Therefore, in the rules of prayer there is also such a recommendation: first pray for the Earth, then for your country, then you can pray for your family and for yourself - then the prayer will come faster.

Why are people now increasingly turning to prayer? Because in a state of prayer, a person rests, relaxes and begins to understand more than he understood before - his consciousness expands. More recently, scientists who have studied the so-called "prayer state" have come to the conclusion that prayer is healing.

And all prayers purify the soul - no matter what language and what saint a person is praying to.