What Is The "Code Of The Builder Of Communism"

What Is The "Code Of The Builder Of Communism"
What Is The "Code Of The Builder Of Communism"

Communism - the principles of government based on economic and social equality. Management is carried out by the General Secretary at the head of the Soviets. The basic management principle is a set of rules or codes.

The Communism Builder's Code - the bible of the Soviet era
The Communism Builder's Code - the bible of the Soviet era

State power at the initial stage of development was a primitive communal system, which is characterized by equality and community of property. It was replaced by a class system that divides people into rich and poor, influential and powerless. The basic principles of communism rely precisely on the primitive order - equality and community.

Communist Builder Code

The "Code of the Builder of Communism" was adopted by the 22nd Congress of the Central Committee of the CPSU and contained a set of principles of communist morality. It was a moral document that contained a number of principles of the morality of the Soviet person. Love and devotion to the Motherland and the Party. Labor for the good of society, preservation and multiplication of public assets, collectivism and comradely mutual assistance, respect and humanism for each other. Morality, honesty, truthfulness, the fight against parasitism, injustice, careerism, mutual respect in the family, intolerance of racial division.

By no means all the inhabitants of pre-revolutionary Russia accepted the "Code of the Builder of Communism." Many bright minds, disenchanted with the policy of the Soviet regime, left the country and became disgraced emigrants.

The main goal of Soviet society was considered the freedom of the people, the destruction of the enemies of communism, brotherhood and solidarity. Nowadays, this code is more and more often compared with the Bible. The “Code” did indeed contain a number of universal human values expressed through the prism of communist ideology. The main task of the code was the moral education of the individual. The building of communism has always brought joy to the masses, forcing them to sincerely believe and strive for grace, the "Code of the Builder of Communism" supported these sentiments.

Psychological impact

The communist system in general and the "Code of the Builder of Communism" in particular, had a profound psychological impact on the consciousness of Soviet people. It was carried out by inner filling with spiritual light and joy.

The "Builder of Communism Code" has become the most effective document for managing the masses. People were eager to demonstrate their loyalty to the communist system by hanging red flags on windows and balconies.

People, without realizing it, were imbued with the ideas of the "Code", accepted everything stated in it as an indestructible, taboo truth. This document has become an excellent tool for managing the masses through positive motivation. At the same time, failure to comply with the laws of the "Code" was seriously punished.