Do You Need Compassion

Do You Need Compassion
Do You Need Compassion

It would seem that in our time, when everyone is for himself, the expression of feelings such as pity and compassion is not in vogue. And they are perceived only as a manifestation of weakness - they supposedly interfere with the achievement of the set goal, kill all hopes for success.

Do you need compassion
Do you need compassion

Pity is a bad feeling, many believe. Such delusion should by no means become your life principle. There are concepts such as moral norms that distinguish a person and give superiority over the entire living world on Earth. In fact, it is not only the brain with a developed intellect that distinguishes a person from an animal. It is compassion that makes us real people, not business sharks. A normal person will never be indifferent to the suffering of others. Moreover, to revel in someone else's grief and build your happiness on it. To lend a helping hand to a needy - is this a sign of cowardice? Rather, it is a manifestation of humanity. Each of us sometimes needed compassion. Death of a loved one, unhappy love, failure to enter a university: it is at such moments that it is important for someone to help, cheer up with a warm word, show participation. The ability to have compassion for others helps a person to properly analyze his actions in relation to others. A person who is able to sympathize with someone else's pain will never commit meanness towards a neighbor. You can be tough, stubbornly go towards the intended goal and not give vent to emotions. However, this does not mean at all that you need to give a damn about others and trample on their feelings. In any situation, it is imperative to remain human, only then can you become truly happy. Indifference turns us into insensible idols, alien to any feelings. Imagine, if everyone will be just such likenesses of a person, what will our world become then? People, like machines, will only perform their duties, neglecting the senses. Without compassion, there will be no love, no joy … nothing that makes our life truly full and fulfilling.
