Prikhodko Vladimir Aleksandrovich is a famous children's writer and poet. In addition to literary creativity for a children's audience, he was engaged in journalism and wrote excellent essays and articles on Russian culture. Vladimir Prikhodko collaborated with the famous composer Grigory Gladkov. Their creative tandem has created many famous songs.

July 28, 1935 was marked by a joyful event for Alexander. Lane and Natalia Prikhodko. In the family of the Odessa film director and popular actress, a son was born, who was given the name Vladimir. Currently, Vladimir Alexandrovich, who took the name of Prikhodko's mother, is known as a children's poet and writer.
Vladimir's family did not live long in Odessa. In 1939, the writer's father was invited to work at the Lviv Opera Theater, where he became the chief director. When the Great Patriotic War began in 1941, the writer's father, like many other Soviet citizens, went to the front. A very short time after the mobilization of his father, a funeral came to the family - Alexander Lane was killed. A mother with an elderly grandmother and a young son was evacuated to the distant city of Krugan, where it was safe. The years of war have passed and in the time of peace that has come, the orphaned family returns to Lviv.

Here the boy successfully received his education, first at school, and then at Lviv University, which he graduated in 1958. He was fascinated by creativity. The guy spoke on the radio broadcasts of the Lviv radio station, then took up the fascinating work of a cameraman. Known performances of Vladimir Prikhodko in the Lviv Philharmonic with the reading of poetry.
Literary creativity
Interest in literature prompted the young man to enter into correspondence with famous Soviet authors of prose and poetry. He in absentia, in letters, gets acquainted with such venerable authors as Varlaam Shalamov, Alexander Mezhirov, Evgeny Vinokurov.

Vladimir Prikhodko decides to move to the capital and begins his creative life in Moscow. Despite his fruitful work, his poems were criticized by Mezhirov, who did not find any special talent from the young author. Vladimir continued his work and published the first collection of poetic edition, calling the book "Walking in the Rain". The first publication took place in 1964. He is involved in translation and journalism work. He produces interesting essays and articles.
Poems for children
Vladimir Prikhodko has his own family. His beloved wife gave him a son, and under this impression, the author tries himself as a children's poet. His poems and stories appear in popular children's magazines of that time - "Kolobok" and "Leader". The poems were always light and joyful. The main theme is a simple and warm friendship between people and animals.
Vladimir Prikhodko made professional translations. Polish, Ukrainian, Georgian, Turkmen languages - this is precisely the geography of his translation work.
Translations into Russian were easy and were published in literary journals. Julian Tuvim, Jan Brzhekhva, Givi Chichinadze and other authors became known to readers thanks to the work of Vladimir Prikhodko. The author collaborated with Grigory Gladkov, writing poetry to his music. The writer was engaged in educational activities for children and youth, in the publishing house "Children's Literature" published his articles on Russian culture and literature for children.

The famous children's writer ended his life in 2001 on December 17th. His grave is located at the famous Moscow Vagankovsky cemetery.