Mikhail Mikhailovich Zhvanetsky: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Mikhail Mikhailovich Zhvanetsky: Biography, Career And Personal Life
Mikhail Mikhailovich Zhvanetsky: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Mikhail Zhvanetsky is a satirist writer who is well known not only in Russia, but also abroad. He is also a performer of his works. Many of his phrases have become aphorisms. Zhvanetsky's biography is closely connected with Odessa, where he was born.

Mikhail Zhvanetsky
Mikhail Zhvanetsky

The beginning of a creative career

Mikhail Zhvanetsky was born on March 6, 1934. His parents were Jews, his father became a therapist, his mother worked as a dentist. The family spent the years of the war in Asia, then they again lived in Odessa. In 1951, Mikhail went to college and began to engage in amateur performances. He organized the Parnas-2 miniature theater, which became famous in the city.

In 1954 Zhvanetsky met with Viktor Ilchenko, with whom he began to conduct concerts together. Later, Mikhail began to compose monologues, which he performed independently. In 1956 Zhvanetsky graduated from the institute and got a job as a mechanic in the port. Then he moved to a factory, where he began to work as an engineer.

Career heyday

In 1958 Zhvanetsky met with Roman Kartsev, and 2 years later he met Raikin. The famous artist decided to replenish his repertoire with the works of a young satirist. In 1964 Raikin invited Zhvanetsky to move to Leningrad, in 1969 the public was presented with the "Traffic Light" program based on the works of Mikhail.

Often Zhvanetsky's works were performed by Jurassic. The satirist also collaborated with Kartsev, Ilchenko. Then Mikhail became an independent writer, he performed his own compositions on stage.

In 1970 Zhvanetsky and his friends returned to their hometown. There they organized a miniature theater. The band was invited to tour, which turned out to be very successful. The head of the Ukrkontsert organization even invited artists to Kiev, but they stayed in Odessa.

In the seventies, Zhvanetsky was an artist of the spoken genre, worked in the Philharmonic. In 1972 he was invited to become an assistant to the chief director at the Moscow theater of miniatures. Then Zhvanetsky worked as a production director at Rosconcert.

In the eighties he was an employee of the Young Guard. Later Zhvanetsky created the Theater of Miniatures in the capital. Many performances have been staged based on his works, and several of the writer's books have been published. All of his texts are distinguished by a special style.

In 2012, the writer became the People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Zhvanetsky is a co-host of the TV show "Duty in the Country", which covers political and everyday topics.

Personal life

Zhvanetsky was officially married once. Mikhail's wife was a girl named Larisa. The marriage was concluded in 1954, in 1964 they divorced on the initiative of the wife. Zhvanetsky was no longer officially married. His chosen one was also Nadezhda Gaiduk, she had a daughter, Liza. Then the couple broke up.

Zhvanetsky lives in a civil marriage with Natalya Surova. She is 32 years younger than her husband. Mikhail and Natalia first met in 1991 in Odessa. The couple have a common son Dmitry. Zhvanetsky himself promotes patriarchal values.
