Alexander Filin: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Alexander Filin: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Alexander Filin: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

All over the world it used to be customary to put on public display the biographies of people who have already achieved some kind of success. Our time has changed this stereotype, and we want to know information about everyone who stands out at least in some way from the general mass. Like, for example, Sasha Filin.

Alexander Filin: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Alexander Filin: biography, creativity, career, personal life

His name became known to the general public after the show “Voice. Children". For the performance, he took such a complex composition that the jury members were surprised how skillfully he performed it. Of course, there were roughnesses, he sometimes, as famous artists said, "fell out" of the song. And yet he left a good impression on both the audience and the strict judges.


Alexander Filin was born in December 2005 in Moscow. This means that according to the horoscope he is Capricorn. As astrologers write, it is difficult to find more purposeful people. Apparently, the young singer also has this quality.

Moreover, his parents are people who have achieved success and are famous: dad Sergei Filin works as the artistic director of the Bolshoi Ballet, and mother Marina Prorvich is a ballerina.

By all indications, their son should have gone to ballet - such is the genetics. However, the parents managed to find the courage in themselves and admit that the career of a dancer was not commanded to their son, and he went to study vocals. Moreover, from an early age he loved to sing. Therefore, at the age of seven, Sasha began to study vocals in the children's studio "Fidgets".


His clear and clear voice became an adornment of the collective, and together with other talented children, Sasha performed at various venues in different cities. This renowned studio often sends its performers to international festivals, and Sasha has attended many of them.

For example, they attended the Doirana art festival in Macedonia and took second place there. Of course, children are the most real maximalists, and they really wanted to take first place. However, the leaders understood how valuable this victory was, and rejoiced at another achievement of their pets.

Also "Fidgets" visited Spain, where they performed at the "Week of Russian Culture" and were very warmly received by the audience. Spaniards and tourists from other countries greeted the voiced envoys of Russia with thunderous applause, which was very pleasant.

The collective also went to Bulgaria to the Golden Sparks festival, and performed there with great success. And in Moscow, children became winners of the Golden Note competition.


Alexander also had personal successes: in 2015 he received the title of "Mister Fidget" together with Masha Znatnova, who in the same year became "Miss Fidget". This title is very prestigious not only in the team itself - it speaks of the talent and the best qualities of the boy and girl who are engaged in the studio. The title is awarded annually and is a welcome distinction for talented children.

Speech at the show "Voice. Children"

Such concerts and victories at competitions and festivals give children a boost of energy, instill confidence in their strengths and help to work on the development of their talent further. Perhaps, if not for these impressive trips, Sasha would not have dared to go to the vocal show “Voice. Children”- who knows?

It happened in 2016 - it was the third season of the famous show. There was a lot of hassle, there were a lot of rehearsals, filming and auditions took a very long time. All this, of course, could not but affect the condition of a ten-year-old boy. However, when the so-called "blind auditions" began, he gathered his will into a fist and entered the stage, illuminated by many spotlights, as if nothing had happened, as if he had done it many times.

Although the very situation when you have to sing and still think whether any of the jury members will turn to you is very unpleasant and difficult. At least for the children's nervous system.


However, something happened that neither Sasha expected, nor his parents, nor his younger brother Sergei - at the very first sounds of the voice of the young singer, pressing the button, Dima Bilan turned to him. And he reacted very vividly to the performance, helping Sasha to cope with the excitement.

In principle, there was no need to worry, just the composition "Love Runs Out" performed by the American pop group "One Republic" is very, very difficult, as the singer Pelageya said after the performance. And then she added that for Sasha's age, she really sounded great. Dima Bilan's opinion was immediately clear: he even danced and whistled during the performance of the composition. And Leonid Agutin said that he was impressed by the rhythm of the voice, the manner of performance and the appearance of the young singer. Indeed, on stage, the audience saw a young gentleman with huge glowing eyes, and this was a genuine shine of joy due to the fact that all the judges and spectators liked his performance.

After the performance, Sasha got into the team of Dima Bilan, who has common interests with the boy: they both love the music of Michael Jackson and the Queen group.

By the way, the younger brother of the young singer Sergei participated in the sixth season of the show “Voice. Children”and got into the team of Svetlana Loboda.

Personal life

Alexander Filin has a very interesting family: he has famous parents, a talented younger brother. And also they are all friends with their half-brother Daniel - this is the father's son from his first marriage. All Filins have warm and friendly relations, and they support each other in everything.

You should have seen how worried everyone was behind the scenes when Sasha went on stage, and how happy they were when they thanked him for his good performance.

The head of the family, Sasha and Sergey love to play football. Sometimes they play the ball in the yard, and sometimes in a computer game.

For the most important performances, Sasha takes a talisman with him: a figurine of an owl. The image of this bird in their house is very common and in all possible forms.

Even on the show “Voice. Children”Sasha took a plush owl with him, and his father was in a T-shirt with an owl. There is nothing to be done - such a surname!