What Is Autumn

What Is Autumn
What Is Autumn

As at any time of the year, autumn has its admirers. Golden autumn has always attracted the attention of creative people. She was admired by great musicians, poets, writers and painters. Autumn is the time to say goodbye to the warm summer and prepare for the winter cold.


What is so attractive about this time of year? What interesting things can you tell about autumn?

A special time of the year

Some people are saddened by autumn. I would like to return to the warm summer and continue to enjoy the sun, vacations, travel or meetings with close friends. However, there are those who are always waiting for this particular time of the year, because autumn also has many attractive things.

For some, this is the time of the beginning of something new, because it is in the fall that many become schoolchildren or university students, and these are new discoveries, acquaintances and knowledge. Someone is waiting for autumn to go to the forest and enjoy the "quiet hunt": the period of picking mushrooms and berries begins. You can feel the silence of the forest, breathe in clean air, get a boost of energy and reap a good harvest for a long winter.

Autumn is the only time of the year when the trees are covered with "gold", you can admire the splendor of nature. True, not everyone can boast of such an opportunity. In southern countries this season of the year is completely different. It is impossible to explain to the inhabitants of the tropics what autumn looks like in Russia if they have never traveled outside their country.

Interesting facts about autumn

Autumn doesn't come everywhere in September. For example, in the southern hemisphere, it begins in March and ends in May. In Ireland, some still adhere to ancient traditions: for them, autumn begins on August 1 and ends on November 1. At the equator, there is no autumn at all.

Autumn facts
Autumn facts

Autumn is divided into several seasons (sub-seasons) and there are only five of them: beginning (from September 1 to 23), "golden autumn" (to October 14), deep (to October 22) pre-winter (to November 23) and first winter (to November 30)).

In ancient times, autumn was met 3 times. The first meeting took place on the day of Semyon Letoprovodtsa (September 1, old style). The second - on the day of the Nativity of the Virgin (September 8). The third is on the day of Theodora (September 11).

Of course, the most beautiful and warmest time of autumn is "Indian summer". It comes at the end of August (August 28) and lasts almost all September. It is believed that the end of "Indian summer" comes on September 21st. It is interesting that the entire period of "Indian summer" is divided into two parts: "young" (until September 11) and "old" (until September 21).

In America this time is called "Indian summer", and in the Balkan Peninsula it is called "Gypsy".

On the day of the autumnal equinox, the astronomical autumn begins.

Phenological calendar

If we focus on the phenological calendar, then autumn begins at the moment when the birds fly south, the leaves fall from the trees and the first frosts come.

There are two periods in this calendar:

  • the first - from frost to the end of leaf fall;
  • the second - from the end of leaf fall to the beginning of winter cold.

It is believed that the warmer the autumn, the longer the winter will last.

In total, according to the phenological calendar, autumn lasts 93 days: from August 27 to November 26.
