When The Autumn Call Begins

When The Autumn Call Begins
When The Autumn Call Begins

Autumn conscription for all citizens of draft age begins on October 1 and continues until December 31. For certain categories of conscripts, the legislation establishes special terms for the autumn conscription.

When the autumn call begins
When the autumn call begins

The autumn conscription lasts less than the spring, so it is especially important for recruits to know the dates of its beginning and end. Only during this period, military commissariats, draft commissions can carry out activities for conscription. The date of the beginning of the conscription is established by law, it can be found in article 25 of the Federal Law "On conscription and military service", which is devoted to the timing of conscription events in the spring and autumn periods. The conscription itself begins on the basis of a special decree of the President of the Russian Federation, however, the date of the start of the autumn conscription campaign in this decree always coincides with the designated norm of the law.

What are the deadlines for the autumn conscription for the bulk of the conscripts?

The general rule is that the autumn call begins on October 1 and lasts for three months, that is, until December 31 inclusive. It is during this time period that all recruiting activities are carried out, their holding at other times is illegal. Usually, the above terms of the autumn conscription are strictly observed, although the president has the right to increase its duration if the planned targets are not achieved. He practically does not use this right, since in most cases it is not required to change the timing of the relevant procedures.

Special dates for the autumn conscription

The beginning of the autumn draft can be shifted by a certain number of days for certain categories of persons obliged to serve in the army. This is due to objective reasons, which are reflected in the named article of the law. So, the autumn appeal for residents of some regions of the Far North begins on November 1, the same rule applies to a number of territories equated to the regions of the Far North.

If a citizen of military age lives in a rural area, is directly engaged in sowing, harvesting, then the autumn call for him starts only on October 15. All others are required to appear at military commissariats on summons in accordance with general rules.

It should also be remembered that many military registration and enlistment offices send citizens summons in advance, while the date of appearance in such notifications is indicated within the period of the draft campaign. Such mailing is legal, since no recruiting events are held before the start of the autumn conscription.