Artyom Vladimirovich Pivovarov: Biography, Career And Personal Life

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Artyom Vladimirovich Pivovarov: Biography, Career And Personal Life
Artyom Vladimirovich Pivovarov: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Video: Artyom Vladimirovich Pivovarov: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Video: Artyom Vladimirovich Pivovarov: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Artyom Pivovarov is a well-known musician in Ukraine and abroad. From an early age he has been studying music, but has no musical education. The young man, whose childhood years were very difficult, learned everything himself. All this thanks to the perseverance and firmness of character that his mother and grandmother instilled in him.

Artyom Vladimirovich Pivovarov (born June 28, 1991)
Artyom Vladimirovich Pivovarov (born June 28, 1991)

An ambiguous childhood

Artyom Vladimirovich Pivovarov was born on June 28, 1991. He is a native of the provincial town of Volchansk, which is in the Kharkov region. He comes from a simple poor family. His mother works in medicine, and all that is known about his father is that he did not recognize his paternity and left the family when the baby was not even a year old. Therefore, the upbringing of the only child in the family was shouldered by the mother and grandmother.

Mom saw her son in a white coat, but the boy became interested in creativity from childhood: he was attracted by music. Many children go to music education from the age of 7. But in the case of Pivovarov, everything was different. He was 12 when he went to music school to learn how to play the guitar. True, after only 3 months, the boy leaves school, as he did not like the teaching method. But this turn of events did not bother the boy at all, and he continued to master the instrument on his own. According to the young man, his mother always hoped that he would not become a professional musician, because she wanted the family to have a stable income.

After studying only 9 classes in a comprehensive school, to the delight of his mother, the son enters the local medical college. After graduating from an educational institution, he left for Kharkov, where he enrolled in the course of the National Academy of Urban Economy (now - KhNUGH named after A. N. Beketov). Soon, after 4 years, the young man graduated from the university with a bachelor's degree in ecology.

Creative career

Despite his education, the guy did not even think about giving up his childhood dream. Pivovarov's musical career began back in 2011, when he was 20 years old. Then, he performed as a soloist of the Kharkov group Dance Party. Dance! Dance !, from which he left a year later. However, during that year, the guys managed to record a full-length LP “God would have made it louder”.

The real popularity began to come in 2012. Under the pseudonym ART REY, he independently wrote two acoustic mini-albums, songs from which he uploaded and uploaded to the popular video hosting YouTube. With each new song published, the young man received more and more positive feedback from the audience. So he became famous in the virtual space, and thousands of listeners became interested in his biography.

Already in 2013, a self-taught musician begins cooperation with a professional sound producer, and on April 1 of the same year he releases his first solo disc entitled "Cosmos".

Soon after the release of the album, the young star gathers a team of session musicians and gives a number of concerts, both in Ukraine and abroad.

In 2015, the musician's second album "Ocean" was released, songs from which were sounded in such television projects as "Dances" and "Hotel Eleon". The artist is becoming very popular among his colleagues. All this leads to the fact that he works with Regina Todorenko, Anna Sedokova, Dantes, the KAZAKY group, rap singers Vladi and Mot, as well as many others.

The artist's arsenal includes 4 albums and more than a dozen video clips. According to the musician, if someday he decides to leave the stage, he would not mind paving the way for professional martial arts. In particular, Artyom is fond of Wing Chun (considered one of the directions of Wushu).

Relations with relatives have long been established, since doing what you love brings not only pleasure, but also good earnings. But the chapter entitled "Father" is finally closed, because, for the last time, Pivovarov saw him at the age of 9.

Personal life

In the personal life of the idol of youth, there is complete order. He has a girlfriend who, among other things, works with her lover on the same team. She organizes events for the musician and the common work, according to the couple, does not in the least affect their relationship. Despite the great love, the couple is not going to become a husband and wife yet.