The holy Christian books, called the Gospels, narrate about the event of the transfiguration of Jesus Christ. In particular, three evangelists told about this event - Matthew, Mark and Luke.

According to the sacred Tradition of the Christian Church, the transfiguration of Jesus Christ took place on Mount Tabor, located near Jerusalem. According to another opinion, the transformation of the Savior could have taken place on the Mount of Olives, which is also located next to the main holy city of Christians.
This is how the Gospels tell about the event of the transformation. Christ decided to climb the mountain in order to pray. He took with him three apostles - Peter, James and John. It should be noted that these three people were most often with Christ during His miracles.
After climbing the mountain, the Savior rose in the air, and his clothes shone. The face of Jesus Christ lit up. Evangelists tell that the face of the Savior became like the sun, and Christ's clothes became white like light. The Evangelist Mark says that Jesus' clothes became white as snow. This interpretation is possible because sometimes there is snow on the tops of the Mount of Olives.
After Christ shone with divine uncreated light, the holy prophets Moses and Elijah appeared, talking with the Savior about the end of the world.
Then the Apostle Peter, filled with a sense of the presence of divine grace, invited Christ to create three tabernacles (small huts) for Christ and two prophets. This was said because the apostle wanted to be constantly close to the divine glory of Christ. While the Apostle Peter was still speaking, a cloud descended to the place of transfiguration, from which the voice of God the Father was heard proclaiming that Christ is His beloved Son. The disciples of Christ were afraid of such a phenomenon and fell on their faces. After that, Christ, already in the usual form, touched them and calmed them, calling them to leave their fear. After the transfiguration of Christ, the apostles, together with the Savior, returned to the city.
The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord is celebrated by the Orthodox Church on August 19 in a new style.