Matthew McConaughey: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Matthew McConaughey: Biography, Career And Personal Life
Matthew McConaughey: Biography, Career And Personal Life

In cinema, there are often actors who constantly appear in monotonous roles. The same cannot be said about Matthew McConaughey. He perfectly gets used to both dramatic and comedic characters. Moreover, many roles were successful for him. The filmography of the talented actor has a huge variety of titles.

The talented actor Matthew McConaughey
The talented actor Matthew McConaughey

November 4, 1969 is the date of birth of Matthew. Born in the relatively small town of Ulwad, which is located in America. The future actor in the family was far from the first child. In addition to him, his parents raised two more boys. Matthew's family was not associated with cinema. My mother was engaged in writing books, and my father was an entrepreneur.

Unlike the brothers, Matthew did not want to work at the gas station of his father. He decided to move to Australia. I did not even think about the career of an actor, intending to become a lawyer. However, during his education he acquired a book called “The World's Best Seller”. It was she who played an important role in the biography of the famous actor. After reading it, he decided to be successful in filmmaking.

Conquering Hollywood

He began his career in cinema with an acquaintance with Don Phillips. It was he who invited him to take part in the filming of the motion picture "High in Confusion". It was originally planned that he will play only a cameo role. However, the director was amazed by the talent. As a result, Matthew McConaughey got more screen time. The work of the actor was appreciated positively by film critics. The film was shown in 1993. At the same time, Matthew received an invitation to participate in the filming of such film projects as "My Boyfriend is Risen" and "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre".

He continued to actively participate in filming and during training. However, he did not receive the main roles, appearing mainly in small episodes. After graduation, it was decided to move to Los Angeles. 1996 was successful. Matthew got the role of the main character in the movie "Time to Kill". It was after this film that eminent directors began to cooperate with the actor.

1998 was no less successful. Film projects such as "The Rebel", "Newton's Brothers" and "Making Sandwiches" were shown. However, the most successful was the film "Wedding Planner", which the audience was able to see in 1999. The famous actor worked almost without rest.

Critics praised Matthew's character in Dallas Buyers Club. The actor even received several awards for the role. During filming, he had to lose 22 kg. Over time, he was able to return to its former form. In 2014, fans were able to admire Matthew's performance in the True Detective series. The actor played the role of the main character.

In the same year he was invited to shoot the blockbuster "Interstellar". Although the critics were able to find mistakes, they appreciated the film quite highly. Some time after the release of the film, Matthew got his own star on the Walk of Fame. No less successful for the actor was his role in the movie "The Dark Tower". He played the main villain.

Success in personal life

For a long period of time, Matthew was listed as the main womanizer. For some time he tried to build a relationship with Patricia Arquette. However, she ended up choosing Nicolas Cage. But Matthew did not suffer for long. On the set he met Ashley Jud. But this relationship did not last long either. The breakup was due to differences in character. Then there was an affair with Sandra Ballack. The relationship lasted 2 years. This relationship fell apart due to the fault of an erroneous pregnancy test. The actor was not ready for the birth of a child. Even though there was actually no pregnancy, Sandra Bullock did not forgive Matthew.

There was a relationship with Penelope Cruz, which lasted 2 years. The reason for the separation was the constant shooting. He is currently married to Camilla Alves, who is 13 years younger than the actor. The family has three children. The boys are named Levi and Livingston, and the girl is Vida. The wedding took place only when Matthew found out that a third child would be born soon.
