Isaac Asimov: A Short Biography

Isaac Asimov: A Short Biography
Isaac Asimov: A Short Biography

Whether the heavens are to blame or the local authorities, people at all times wanted to know what awaited them in the future. Isaac Asimov thought about similar questions. And not only thought, but also wrote novels in which he shared his thoughts and conclusions.

Isaac Asimov
Isaac Asimov

Starting conditions

The advent of computers and the development of information technology have significantly changed the surrounding reality. Today, hundreds and even thousands of talented people are engaged in writing. However, just as the main luminaries in the night sky illuminate earthly roads and paths, so do the writers of past years, classics and luminaries serve as a reference point for contemporaries. Isaac Asimov is one of the great science fiction writers. More than half a thousand stories, novels and essays came out from under his pen. He successfully worked in different genres, but was remembered by descendants as the creator of a model of the future humanoid civilization.

The future writer and scientist was born on January 2, 1920, into a poor Jewish family. Parents at that time lived in the town of Petrovichi on the territory of modern Belarus. My father worked as a miller. The mother was engaged in housekeeping and raising children. When the boy was three years old, the Asimov family moved to America and settled in the famous New York. They opened a confectionery shop here, the income from which was enough for a modest existence. The boy grew up observant and intelligent. When Isaac was five years old he was sent to school. To do this, it was necessary to amend the birth certificate, since they were admitted to school from the age of six.


Creative way

After graduating from high school, Azimov entered the chemistry department of Columbia University. In 1941 he received a master's degree and entered graduate school. However, the outbreak of the war confused all plans. The young chemist had to move to Philadelphia and start building ships for the Navy. In 1945 he was drafted into the army. After the end of the war, he returned to New York and continued his studies in graduate school. He defended his thesis and received a doctorate in biochemistry. After that, he was invited to teach at the Faculty of Medicine at Boston University. All these years Azimov successfully combined scientific activity with literary creativity.

Isaac wrote his first story when he was barely 11 years old. In 1939, the story "Captured by Vesta" was published on the pages of a thematic magazine. By this time, Asimov was already working on the first stories about robots. The author presented the story "Robbie" to the attention of the readers. A year later, "Liar" was published. This work told about a robot that knew how to guess the desires of people. And after a short period of time, readers learned three laws about the behavior of robots, which were formulated by the writer.

Recognition and privacy

According to people far from literature, the trilogy "Academy" became the most significant work of Azimov. Suffice it to say that this book is included in the training program for the US Central Intelligence Agency.

The personal life of the writer developed without any special excesses. He was married twice. In the first marriage, a son and a daughter were born. In the second marriage, there were no children, but the wife was fond of science fiction and was professionally engaged in psychology. Isaac Asimov died in April 1992 of heart failure.