What Is Social Advertising

What Is Social Advertising
What Is Social Advertising

Social advertising stands out from the rest of the commercials that are broadcast on television and radio. It can also be seen on the pages of magazines and on billboards located on busy highways. To define what social advertising is, it is necessary to identify the main aspects that distinguish it from commercial.

What is social advertising
What is social advertising

Social advertising is not about making a profit. This is the most basic difference from its commercial counterpart. Social videos stand out from the rest of the information flow, because they do not force their viewer to buy something or use the services of one or another organization.

The purpose of this type of advertising is to influence society, its consciousness. As a rule, her focus is on socially significant problems that threaten the normal development of the country and its citizens. For example, on Russian TV channels you can often see public service announcements designed to make people think about their safety while driving, about raising children, about the problems of children left without parents, about sick people and disabled people.

These promotional messages are created to encourage everyone to tackle the problems listed above. It is aimed at fostering in a person responsibility to himself and to society as a whole.

As a rule, the customers of social advertising are the state and various charitable organizations and foundations. Often, well-known stars take part in it, who urge everyone to take care of their health, children, and nature.

Another difference between social advertising and commercial advertising is that its creators do not receive money for their work. This principle is of great importance, since work for the good of society should not be carried out with the aim of obtaining material benefits. Unfortunately, in Russian reality, this rule does not always apply. However, even now the creation of social videos indicates that attention is being drawn to problems of this nature, because advertising makes people think about their future and the future of their children.