Lev Puchkov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Lev Puchkov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Lev Puchkov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Lev Puchkov is a modern Russian writer who reveals to the reader the world of action films and detective stories. This author is not quite an ordinary fate, a former military officer. In his works, he describes what he saw himself and knows firsthand, which is noticeably different from the bulk of writers.

Lev Puchkov: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Lev Puchkov: biography, creativity, career, personal life


Lev Alexandrovich Puchkov was born in 1965 in Siberia. The school years of the future writer passed in the same way as for all Soviet schoolchildren. After leaving school, the young man was drafted into the army. After military service, the young man decided to stay in the internal troops, where he served from the late 80s until 2001.

During the years of service, Lev Puchkov received an officer's rank. As part of the special forces, he participated in both Chechen campaigns and other armed conflicts in the North Caucasus. Behind the shoulders of the writer there are many hot spots, he repeatedly risked his life before he felt an urgent need to express everything personally experienced in literary works.

The biography of Lev Puchkov is very full of events and extreme situations, but unlike celebrities, he extremely dislikes attention to his private life and does not give any interviews on this topic. It is important for the reader of his works of fiction to understand that these books are written by a military officer who personally went through most of the trials and events that he seeks to tell readers about.

The beginning of a literary career

Lev Puchkov does not appear in the headlines of the tabloids, and not even all literary critics are familiar with his work. The books of this author of detective stories and action films are inevitably ranked as an action genre, which in itself excludes them from the list of great literature. One can argue with this for a long time, however, Lev Puchkov himself is not interested in such particulars.

He found the road to his success without looking back at literary authorities. In the rare statements of the author about his work, you can always hear words of gratitude to specific publishers, who at one time managed not only to read his manuscripts, but also to appreciate them.

Today the writer is recognized, first of all, by a wide circle of his readers. His works are published in large editions even in such serious publishing houses as "Eksmo", where they realize the commercial perspective of this author.

Author's style in the writer's work

For fans, Lev Puchkov is attractive, first of all, for his unique author's style. Its presentation captures the reader from the first page and does not let go until the last. The author knows how to tensely twist the plot and does it with virtuosity. In his books, you will not find easily calculated situations and a hackneyed plot, the outcome of an intrigue cannot be predicted.

All characters, including minor ones, are psychologically accurately shown, and their actions are deeply motivated. The writer always develops the action in the book ascending from one extreme situation to another. Lev Puchkov himself is often guessed behind the main character, a military officer. However, the author's books are by no means autobiographical. At least not in the full sense. Nevertheless, what the writer experienced during the Chechen wars can be easily guessed in the lines of his works.

Fans love the books of Lev Puchkov for that characteristic intonation, the special style with which the narration is conducted. It is she who creates uniqueness in these works and makes them recognizable among the numerous products of militants and detectives. It should be noted that Lev Puchkov is ironic over everything that happens to a certain extent toxic, completely politically incorrect and even evil in places.

This is what is usually called black humor, examples of which are not so few in the big literature. The writer laughs, first of all, at himself in the person of the protagonist, it is on behalf of the hero that the narration is most often conducted in his books. However, the rest of the characters also get it.

Major works of the writer

The library of Lev Puchkov's works currently contains more than two dozen novels. They are divided into several thematic cycles. Each of them is based on the unity of the scene and the main characters. With rare exceptions, all events unfold either on the northern slopes of the Caucasus Mountains, or on the way to it from the large cities of Russia.

The author's first great success was brought by the novel "Krovnik" and five books of its continuation, which formed the cycle of the same name. Another thrilling action-packed cycle of three novels about the everyday life of intelligence officers on the fronts of the First Chechen War was named Dog Work.

In the books of Lev Puchkov, with great artistic force, all the ugliness of the war, the doom to the senseless death of combat units, the lies of the generals and the venality of politicians on both sides of the front are conveyed.

The last books of the writer are devoted to a slightly different topic. They are rather about a peaceful life, to which his heroes are forced to return from the slopes of the North Caucasus. But only in their hometowns they are faced with ruthless criminals. This means that the war continues and there is no end in sight. This means that the works of Lev Puchkov will still be born.