Pazenko Yegor Stanislavovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Pazenko Yegor Stanislavovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Pazenko Yegor Stanislavovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

For almost every person, the "race for happiness" begins at an early age. Yegor Pazenko participates in this process on an equal footing with all other participants. He has only one difference - he is a talented theater and film actor.

Egor Pazenko
Egor Pazenko

Childhood and youth

Theater and film actors are reputed to be very impressionable and superstitious people. There are many rumors and fantasies about these superstitions. And they also carefully hide their love for alcohol and other bad habits. Yegor Stanislavovich Pazenko frankly admits that nothing human is alien to him. Revealing specific episodes of his biography, he emphasizes that external influences and influences must be overcome in a sober state. Clearly see the intended goal and measure your strength when moving towards it.

The future theater and film actor was born on February 25, 1972 in a family of creative intelligentsia. Parents lived at that time in the famous city of Sevastopol. Mother was a theater actress. My father worked with equal success in the theater and in the cinema. From an early age, the child was well oriented behind the scenes of the local theater. Three years later, the Pazenko family moved to Kiev. At school, Yegor studied well. He took part in social events and amateur performances. After the tenth grade, I decided to get a specialized education at the Moscow Moscow Art Theater School.


Professional activity

In 1993, Pazenko received a diploma and entered the service at the Chekhov Moscow Academic Theater. At first, her acting career was successful. However, after the untimely death of the artistic director Oleg Efremov, the situation in the theater changed dramatically for the worse. Egor had to leave the stage on which he dreamed of playing the main roles. In the mid-90s, the situation in the capital was hopeless. The young actor tried to go into business. I tried my hand at advertising projects. He relieved stress with spirits.

A fluke changed the vector of movement of the actor Pazenko. He was invited to appear in the movie Treasure Seekers. This was followed by the project "Two Moons, Three Suns". Producers of the leading film companies of the country and neighboring countries "took on the pencil" of the textured performer. After the release of the detective series "Citizen Chief", Yegor began to be recognized on the street. Pazenko received a truly nationwide fame for the main role in the TV series "Abbot".


Recognition and privacy

At the Orthodox Films Festival, Yegor Pazenko received a special prize for the role of Father Andrei in The Superior. Since that time, the actor began to be selective about the proposals that he received. He decided that he would only play goodies.

In Yegor's personal life today, there is a relative order. He is married for the second time. The husband and wife are raising three children. Pazenko does not forget his son from his first marriage.
