Kharkiv is a large city in Ukraine located in the eastern part of the country. Moreover, it is one of the largest settlements not only in terms of territory, but also in terms of population.

Kharkiv is one of the most populated cities in Ukraine after the capital of the state - Kiev. The population of Kharkov as of the beginning of 2014 is 1.451 million people.
Population of Kharkiv
Kharkiv is a large industrial, transport and scientific center located in the east of Ukraine. It is not surprising, therefore, that the city has always attracted a large number of migrants, due to which the ethnic composition of Kharkov is still characterized by a high degree of multinationality.
So, according to the last census, which took place in the country in 2001, representatives of more than 110 ethnic groups lived in Kharkov. At the same time, the share of ethnic Ukrainians, according to a state survey, was about 61% in the city at that time. The second most populous ethnic group living in Kharkov are Russians. In third place in this indicator are representatives of the Jewish nationality.
Population dynamics
Despite the fact that Kharkiv remains the largest city in Ukraine, its population has been gradually decreasing over the past twenty years. So, if during the 2001 census it was revealed that the population of the city at that time was 1.470 million people, then by the beginning of 2014 it had decreased to 1.451 million people.
According to the Main Department of Statistics in the Kharkiv region, the main reason for this situation is the negative natural increase in the population of the metropolis. So, in 2013, the number of Kharkiv residents who died was 16, 998 thousand people, while the number of those born in the city was 13, 194 thousand people. Thus, in 2013 alone, the population of Kharkov decreased by 3804 people.
At the same time, the dominant trend in natural population growth looks ambiguous. Thus, the birth rate in the city in 2013 decreased in comparison with the previous 2012. At the end of 2013, the number of children born in Kharkiv was 172 less than last year. However, the number of deaths by the end of the year decreased slightly: the decrease in this indicator reached 281 people.
Migration growth makes some positive contribution to changing the situation. So, at the end of 2013, 3908 people arrived in the city for permanent residence. Thus, the overall annual result of the change in the population of Kharkov in 2013 turned out to be weakly positive: the number of city residents increased by 104 people.