What Is Regional Policy

What Is Regional Policy
What Is Regional Policy

Internal state policy is mainly aimed at solving those problems that affect aspects of the life of the population of certain regions. Most people are disunited, so the state is faced with the question of applying regional policy.

What is regional policy
What is regional policy

Regional policy is an integral component of the internal policy of the state, which is aimed at leveling the standard of living on average in the regions through a complex of various economic, legislative and fiscal measures.

Regional policy implies a well-grounded administrative-territorial division, as well as its study with the whole conduct of a competent internal policy. With the help of legislative and economic levers, the state, by building a vertical ladder of interconnection between subjects and the center, can quickly and comprehensively solve not only problems within the regions, but also allows it to become an arbiter in resolving conflict situations between various subjects of the country.

Regional policy has several directions, including:

- definition of underdeveloped regions and subjects of the country;

- stimulating the development of regions in need;

- subsidies and other economic injections into the economies of needy regions;

- allocation of regions - recipients and regions - donors.

Regional policy includes a number of elements that are designed to influence the life of the regions as a whole:

- Fiscal policy - a set of tools and methods for organizing tax collection by regions and constituent entities of the country;

- Budgetary policy - the most rational distribution of budget funds for pouring them into the regions;

- Pricing policy - setting prices and tariffs in different parts of the country;

- Social policy - pursuing a policy to support citizens in various subjects of the state.

In particular, one of the main tasks of regional policy is the development of the national economy by stimulating the development of entrepreneurship and industry in the regions. The allocation of donor regions and recipient regions allows the state to more competently "pump out" free funds from the well-to-do regions and pour them into the "poor" regions.