How Is The Sacrament In An Orthodox Church

How Is The Sacrament In An Orthodox Church
How Is The Sacrament In An Orthodox Church

The sacrament of communion, during which believers taste the Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ under the guise of bread and wine, is necessary for the spiritual development of an Orthodox person. A Christian can partake of the holy things at the Divine Liturgy.

How is the sacrament in an Orthodox church
How is the sacrament in an Orthodox church

Each service of the Liturgy is accompanied by the celebration of the Eucharist, when bread and wine are miraculously, but in a very real way, added to the Body and Blood of the Savior. If a Christian has prepared for communion, having fulfilled the prayer rule, having reconciled with his neighbors and having attended confession, then he can proceed to the shrine during the Liturgy.

Communion in an Orthodox church takes place at the end of the liturgy. The priest comes from the royal doors with a cup in his hands and reads several preparatory prayers for communion, during which the Christian lifts his mind and thoughts to God.

Further, believers wishing to receive communion fold their hands crosswise across their chest (right over left). With a feeling of humility and unworthiness before the shrine, a person approaches the holy cup. The first to approach communion are monastics, then infants, men and women. When approaching the bowl, you must give your name. Further, the Orthodox partake of the Body and Blood of the Savior (in the form of bread and wine) from a special lodge. After accepting the shrine, it is necessary to kiss the bowl. The sign of the Cross is not imposed, so as not to accidentally overturn the chalice with the holy gifts. Adults receive communion with the Body and Blood, and infants with the Blood with a small particle of the Body, since babies cannot chew yet.

After communion, the Christian drinks a special drink and partakes of the antidor. It is necessary to carefully swallow all the holy gifts so that nothing remains in the mouth.

After the communion, the person who received the communion remains until the end of the liturgy and approaches the cross at the end of the service, after which he goes home in peace, thanking the Lord for the sacred thing received and communion with God.